So I started a whole new thread for this topic like any good dumbbell! *rolls eyes* Here was my list of befitting music...I intend to add more--I just don't have time to add it to this one just now!

"Russian Christmas by Alfred Reed. It was my school band's tradition to play this every year at Christmas. It is a 15-minute piece, very beautiful, very passionate that epitomizes old Russia, as well as Russian Orthodoxy. It's just such a gorgeous piece. Professional orchestral versions should be available to hear--as far as I know, it's pretty popular.
Russian Easter by Nikolai Rismky-Korsakov. This one is much like Russian Christmas, but obviously focuses around Easter. It is also very passionate, very Old Russia and Russian Orthodoxy, and like Russian Christmas, it makes use of the chimes, symbolizing all the bells in the church towers. Rimsky-Korsakov is a brilliant composer, of course. I highly recommend this one, as well! Smiley
More obscurely:
Now these ones will seem out of the blue versus the other two I post, but I will explain why I chose them after each.
Tania, Enemy at the Gates soundtrack, by James Horner. The movie "Enemy at the Gates" obviously took place in Russia, but it revolved around the Russian side of WWII, not WWI or anything involved with the Imperial Family. What I love most about this certain track is the evident emotion in the music. I recently made a reply to the "Kitchen Boy" thread in the Books segment of the forum, because I had read it again for the fifth time. Well, I read it while listening to this track--only this track. That is now what the music reminds me of. It has a truly Russian sound to it. But while it is supposed to revolve around Russia in WWII, much of it really does epitomize Russia under autocracy. There is a part where the music becomes "grandiose" and elegant, with the church bells ringing in the background. And then, toward the end of the music...Well, I'll leave that for you to hear. It breaks my heart every time I hear it, it's so beautiful! Wink James Horner truly is an amazing composer (in my eyes), which is why my next selection is also by him.
Casper, by James Horner. There are silly parts of this soundtrack which are obviously the way they are because they are from the movie, "Casper", but the ones I am referring to are Tracks 6 (The Lighthouse), Track 8 (Fond Memories), Track 10 (Casper's Lullaby), and Track 12 (One Last Wish). I think these remind me of the Imperial Family because my sister used them in a movie she made of the Romanovs, for a school project. I can't really explain them in words. They are all hauntingly beautiful, and as I said with "Tanya" from "Enemy at the Gates", there is so much emotion in the music, that it really does befit the Royal Family. Listen to them! I think you'll agree! Smiley (If not, I'll buy you a pint) Wink
Anyway, I have others, but I think this list is good enough for now!"