Well, not as evil or mist up like Hitler. I'll take that back, since I can't delete it.
What I mean of the Grand Duchess, is that she a poor little rich girl, wants more then she has, she should be blessed (expt that fact that of a unhappy marriage and that issue with her adopted patents- Uncle Sergei and Aunt Ella, and that of dad and late mother; big deal! others have it worse!) that there were people to care for her and she was very rich. That explains that money isn't everything. From reading her memoirs she was just so unhappy, no good thoughts, only like end of the world, negative, I just can’t handle people like that.
A kid I know had it a lot worse then Marie Pavlovna in his past, and his no prince. I am sure others have it a lot worse, then the both of them (my friend and the Grand Duchess), but a grand duchess feeling sorry for herself, she should be blessed that she made it out of Russia during the Revaluation in one piece!