Author Topic: Nikolai Yusupov, elder brother of Felix, his life and death  (Read 129891 times)

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Nikolai Yusupov, elder brother of Felix, his life and death
« on: September 05, 2004, 11:01:56 AM »
I'm reading book about great musician Igor Stravinsky, and there is interesting information- when he've studyed law in S.Petersburg one of exam passed in place of him Nikola Jusupow, Felix brother!! wow
Where can I find more information about Nikola?


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Re: Nikolai Yusupov, elder brother of Felix, his life and death
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2004, 11:34:03 AM »
Felix tells a lot about his brother in his memoirs, Lost Splendor.

There is also something on him in many books and articles that mention Felix. Felix often described his brother as not caring for anything more than his own pleasure, and that he loved partying and women. He did not like the military and refused to become a soldier, even though his father was head of the Chevelier Guards. He went to the University of St. Petersburg. He loved travelling to Paris. He could play the guitar and sing, and had talents for acting and comedy, had a lot of interest in the occult, spirituality, senances, and psychics.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Annie »


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Re: Nikolai Yusupov, elder brother of Felix, his life and death
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2005, 01:23:19 AM »
I like the portrait of the Nikolay in Pushkin Private Collection Museum in Moscow. (Next Building to the Pushkin Museum)
He was very handsome too.
His death was very big tragedy , it seems that medieval damnation of the Yusuppovs did work perfectly.

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Re: Nikolai Yusupov, elder brother of Felix, his life and death
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2005, 10:07:09 AM »
Indeed, there did seem to be some sort of curse on the family as only one child lived past the age of 25.

Does anyone have any photos of Nikolaj? Also, wasn't he his mother's favorite?

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Re: Nikolai Yusupov, elder brother of Felix, his life and death
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2005, 11:54:21 AM »
In the few pictures I have seen of him, he seems to resemble his father more than his mother.  I had read that his death had a devestating effect on her, causing her to go into a deep depression and her character was altered so she was never quite the same afterwards.

As for Ferrands' Yusupov book I'm trying to build the funds to buy it.


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Re: Nikolai Yusupov, elder brother of Felix, his life and death
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2005, 12:15:48 PM »
Where could I order Ferrand's book? I've only heard of a french web page, where prices are in francs. It seems kind of out of date.

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Re: Nikolai Yusupov, elder brother of Felix, his life and death
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2005, 02:10:28 PM »
Euro history has a few copies avaliable but I think the price was about $79.00 -$90.00 USD


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Re: Nikolai Yusupov, elder brother of Felix, his life and death
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2005, 05:27:53 AM »
A miniature painting of Nicholas in a flower picture frame made by Fabergé. This reminds me of how Queen Victoria of Sweden started her letters to her favourite son, Prince Wilhelm with the words "Meine Blume".


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Re: Nikolai Yusupov, elder brother of Felix, his life and death
« Reply #8 on: June 17, 2005, 09:21:38 AM »
Hello to all :)

Are there any pics of NiKolaj as a baby or a child ?

When was he born ? In 1882 or 1883 ?

Did he die in 1907 or 1908 ?

Although he was only known as Count Nicolas Sumarakoff-Elston, was his family name Yussupov?

Thank you

Steph :D

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Re: Nikolai Yusupov, elder brother of Felix, his life and death
« Reply #9 on: June 17, 2005, 12:03:50 PM »
Hi Steph,

We have been unable to find many photographs of Nicholas although I along with many others have looked. Maybe someone who has the Ferrands' Yusupov book could do some scanning ;)

In Lost Splendor, Felix mentions many times a 5 year age difference between he and his brother. So he would have been born in 1882. But Jacques Ferrand lists his birth as February 1883. ???

He died in the summer of 1908.


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Re: Nikolai Yusupov, elder brother of Felix, his life and death
« Reply #10 on: June 20, 2005, 06:45:39 PM »
As we have discussed before on another thread, there is some descrepency on his birthdate. It seems to have been 1882, since Felix said there was a five year age difference and he was born in 1887 for sure. Also that Zenaida was worried about the duel because in every generation only one heir had lived past 25 and he was near his 26th bday in 1908 making him again born in 1882. I have thought maybe he was already on the way when the parents were married, and this is why his birthdate was hushed or confused. This was very common in the olden times when 'out of wedlock' babies or premarital sex was scandelous. This would also account for Zenaida's rushed and small wedding (in April 1882) though she was the richest and most eligible girl in Russia!

Now on the name. Felix's father was Felix Sumarakov-Elston. When he and Zenaida married, Zenaida's father petitioned the Tsar to allow the husband and future children to take the Yussoupov name since Zenaida was the last of her line and the name would die out. This was not granted until 1891 when he died, so Felix and his brother were born with the Sumarakov-Elston name before they were allowed to be called Prince Yussoupov. Sometimes they carry both titles, depending on the book you read.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Annie »


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Re: Nikolai Yusupov, elder brother of Felix, his life and death
« Reply #11 on: January 30, 2006, 11:12:10 AM »

There must be more photos/portraits around of Nikolai, after all he was the heir of Russia´s richest family until his premature death. Does anybody out there have anymore, please? :)


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Re: Nikolai Yusupov, elder brother of Felix, his life and death
« Reply #12 on: January 30, 2006, 12:35:17 PM »
Nicolai and his brother during a hunting party


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Re: Nikolai Yusupov, elder brother of Felix, his life and death
« Reply #13 on: January 30, 2006, 01:15:36 PM »

There must be more photos/portraits around of Nikolai, after all he was the heir of Russia´s richest family until his premature death. Does anybody out there have anymore, please? :)

The portrait by Valentin Serov is now in The Russian Museum in St Petersburg.Felix owned another portrait which hung over his bed in his last home(Rue Pierre Guerin,Paris).Nicholas was born in February 1883 and died in August 1908.


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Re: Nikolai Yusupov, elder brother of Felix, his life and death
« Reply #14 on: January 30, 2006, 01:28:27 PM »
Thank you very much for this picture, jybenton!! :)

lancashireladandre, could you please post the portrait by Valentin Serov? Thanks!