Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > The Yussupovs

Nikolai Yusupov, elder brother of Felix, his life and death

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I'm reading book about great musician Igor Stravinsky, and there is interesting information- when he've studyed law in S.Petersburg one of exam passed in place of him Nikola Jusupow, Felix brother!! wow
Where can I find more information about Nikola?

Felix tells a lot about his brother in his memoirs, Lost Splendor.


There is also something on him in many books and articles that mention Felix. Felix often described his brother as not caring for anything more than his own pleasure, and that he loved partying and women. He did not like the military and refused to become a soldier, even though his father was head of the Chevelier Guards. He went to the University of St. Petersburg. He loved travelling to Paris. He could play the guitar and sing, and had talents for acting and comedy, had a lot of interest in the occult, spirituality, senances, and psychics.

I like the portrait of the Nikolay in Pushkin Private Collection Museum in Moscow. (Next Building to the Pushkin Museum)
He was very handsome too.
His death was very big tragedy , it seems that medieval damnation of the Yusuppovs did work perfectly.

Indeed, there did seem to be some sort of curse on the family as only one child lived past the age of 25.

Does anyone have any photos of Nikolaj? Also, wasn't he his mother's favorite?

In the few pictures I have seen of him, he seems to resemble his father more than his mother.  I had read that his death had a devestating effect on her, causing her to go into a deep depression and her character was altered so she was never quite the same afterwards.

As for Ferrands' Yusupov book I'm trying to build the funds to buy it.


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