Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > Balkan Royal Families


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drac = devil

dracul = the devil

"Dracula" doesn't sound Romanian and as far as I know doesn't mean anything

dragon is in Romanian "dragon" or "zmeu"

the only close word [name] is "Draculea", a sort of regional folk nickname [rarely used] for someone who is "devilish"

How did this castle come into the provenance of the Romanian royal family in the first place? Was it a "gift" from a grateful nation ? Did Carol I buy it ? From whom, if so ?


--- Quote ---drac = devil

dracul = the devil

"Dracula" doesn't sound Romanian and as far as I know doesn't mean anything

dragon is in Romanian "dragon" or "zmeu"

the only close word [name] is "Draculea", a sort of regional folk nickname [rarely used] for someone who is "devilish"

--- End quote ---

my mistake!


--- Quote ---How did this castle come into the provenance of the Romanian royal family in the first place? Was it a "gift" from a grateful nation ? Did Carol I buy it ? From whom, if so ?
--- End quote ---

Bran castle belonged to Queen Marie, given to her in 1920 as a gift from the local community of Brasov as a reward for her remarkable role in World War I and in Transylvania's 1918 union with Romania. Queen Marie left Bran Castle to Princess Ileana, who married Anton of Habsburg, and today's inheritors are their children.

Interesting article at : http://www.rferl.org/featuresarticle/2006/05/34a26155-e184-4797-a30c-f7ebeb0df371.html


--- Quote ---How did this castle come into the provenance of the Romanian royal family in the first place? Was it a "gift" from a grateful nation ? Did Carol I buy it ? From whom, if so ?
--- End quote ---

You are probably talking about Bran Castle.

Bran castle

It has little to do with Vlad Tepes.
Bran Castle is a border castle designed to control a mountain pass so as to ask a tax to anyone who passes. By the way, Vlad Tepes laid siege to some german cities like Brasov[Cronstad] or Sibiu[Hermanstad] because they didn’t agree on the level of border tax on commerce. So the Germans got back to him.

After WWI and the transfer of Transylvania to Romania the city of Brasov [Cronstad] who owned Bran made it a gift to Missy [Queen Marie of Romania]. She restored and turned it into a livable house. Princess Ileana received Bran as a gift from her mother. She married a Habsburg, so that is why her children who inherited the castle are named Habsburg.


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