I'm afraid I'm a little bit late to answer ) ; besides, at the moment I can't recall much of the scarce information I have about lieutenant Rodionov. Yet, I do know that he was one of five legitimate children of Nikolay Matveevich Rodionov, a short-term governor of Chernigov in abt. 1905. In spite of their Cossack background, three of his four sons graduated from the Sea Corps. Nikolay Nikolayevich had a kind of romance with T.N., and she presented him with a dog called "Ochen'" ("Very much"); and it was only by her father's decision not to spoil the young man's career that Rodionov was not transfered from the guard. According to comments to the Empress's letters, she mentioned that he was in Crimea after the revolution.
Later, he emigrated to Constantinople, and died 09/24/1962 in Paris.
Some distant relatives of Rodionov live in the U.S., yet I have no contacts with them.
The data from "Martifrolog Russkoy Voenno-Morskoy Emigratsii" (M.-Feodosia, 2001, p. 117) are as follows:
Rodionov Nikolaj Nikolaevich, kap. 2 r., MK (1905), 24.09.1962, Parizh, poh. na kl. SZhdB, 1962, n.99, s. 57.
Some other time I may try to check out his nephew's memoirs, and see, who of the Rodionov's brothers had children, or probably some other information.
On my part, I'd greatly appreciate any information that you may have on the subject.
If you want, you may also email me to <my username>@gmail.com.