That's cool, Nanastasia. Interesting how one can always second-guess things.
I thought it was a good thing..and that Buddhists saw it as that..oh well. My mom is very Buddhist-inclined, so, interesting.
So I suppose Brahman is like Buddha's Palace or something?
Anyway, I think I had a sort with a past life the other day. I was lying in bed, not in a dream-state yet, but just resting my eyes and listening to music (not calming music btw..heavy metal
). Then I felt like..I dont know, it was so wierd. I felt as if I were being tugged (I sounds impossible) to another place, like, physically. I had a tingling sensation all over me and then I was in a sort of clearing in a forest, with fires all around me and I could feel people dancing around me. I was sitting on some dirt ground. It was so surreal. I'll never forget it. But Im inclined to think it was a dream since it sounds like its a dream...doesnt it? But it was so real..I mean I was awake!
My mom, who used to meditate and all that jazz with this group (which my grandparents are against..long undecided at the moment with religion) who were sorta Hindus/Buddhists, and she told me of these sort of 'trips' she'd have outside her body. Don't get the wrong idea, though.
It wasnt
those sort of trips. lol But that she was so in tune with herself that she was able to actually (her soul) come out of her own body and meet with another persons soul at a certain place at night while sleeping. And she told me how she'd be able to stare at her body lying in bed while she was in her soul-state. I don't know, its quite complicated.
But I thought it might have something to do with this conversation, so, there.
I've also noticed that if I try to blank out my mind (thats the only way to really be at peace with urself..try it. Just picture light or dark blankess in ur mind, as a mental picture is how it works for me) I can feel myself in the past if I hint at it somehow. Maybe by blanking out my mind while staring at an antique..something liek that.
If anyone has ever seen the (wonderful) movie Somewhere In Time, its sort of like what Rochard Collier did in order to travel through time.