Author Topic: re: past lives?  (Read 71836 times)

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Re:  past lives?
« Reply #120 on: May 16, 2006, 03:22:03 AM »
That's cool, Nanastasia. Interesting how one can always second-guess things.  ::) I thought it was a good thing..and that Buddhists saw it as that..oh well. My mom is very Buddhist-inclined, so, interesting.
So I suppose Brahman is like Buddha's Palace or something?  :P

Anyway, I think I had a sort with a past life the other day. I was lying in bed, not in a dream-state yet, but just resting my eyes and listening to music (not calming music btw..heavy metal  ;D). Then I felt like..I dont know, it was so wierd. I felt as if I were being tugged (I sounds impossible) to another place, like, physically. I had a tingling sensation all over me and then I was in a sort of clearing in a forest, with fires all around me and I could feel people dancing around me. I was sitting on some dirt ground. It was so surreal. I'll never forget it. But Im inclined to think it was a dream since it sounds like its a dream...doesnt it? But it was so real..I mean I was awake!
My mom, who used to meditate and all that jazz with this group (which my grandparents are against..long undecided at the moment with religion) who were sorta Hindus/Buddhists, and she told me of these sort of 'trips' she'd have outside her body. Don't get the wrong idea, though.  ::) It wasnt those sort of trips. lol But that she was so in tune with herself that she was able to actually (her soul) come out of her own body and meet with another persons soul at a certain place at night while sleeping. And she told me how she'd be able to stare at her body lying in bed while she was in her soul-state. I don't know, its quite complicated.
But I thought it might have something to do with this conversation, so, there.
I've also noticed that if I try to blank out my mind (thats the only way to really be at peace with urself..try it. Just picture light or dark blankess in ur mind, as a mental picture is how it works for me) I can feel myself in the past if I hint at it somehow. Maybe by blanking out my mind while staring at an antique..something liek that.
If anyone has ever seen the (wonderful) movie Somewhere In Time, its sort of like what Rochard Collier did in order to travel through time.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Darkness_tillXx »


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Re:  past lives?
« Reply #121 on: May 16, 2006, 11:14:06 AM »
My first message wasn't really clear! Brahman (it is the word in french but I don't know if it is the same in english...) is not Buddha's palace!  ;) Brahman is in Hindhouism. It is eveything. I am Brahman and the chair and the pencil are brahman. I will keep on reincarnate if I believe those things are different frome one another. When I realise that it is all the same, after I die, I will join the ultimate reality. I will blend myself with brahman. It's called illumination. In Buddhism, you will stop reincanation when you won't be attached to objects and sensations. Then, you will join the Nirvana. It is an empty fullness (le vide plein...I don't really know how to translate that...). But, some pepole, in buddhism decide that they won't go to the Nirvana. They decide to keep on reincarnate to help other people live the illumination. They are bodhisattva. Buddha is a bodhisattva. He has not disapeared from the earth. That's what they believe! Voilà! I hope you understand me... :)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Nanastasia »


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Re:  past lives?
« Reply #122 on: May 16, 2006, 11:18:47 PM »
Oooh, now I understand. I thought it was more like a heaven.
So..Brahman is like..the universe and everything in it? If Im not right..dont worry, I understand what it means.
I really admire the Buddhist religion and their culture. Arent Hindus associated with past lives as well?

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Re:  past lives?
« Reply #123 on: May 17, 2006, 05:10:21 PM »
Hello everyone! This has been a very interesting thread.

I'm not going to say who I'm talking about in particular since I'm sure everyone would go completely crazy on me, but I have always felt a strange connection to someone. When I first heard about them and saw their picture... I knew the face even though I never saw it in my life. The whole day I was hypnotized and I couldn't think about anything else. I am just like them. My birthday is exactly 7 days after theirs and not to mention the year is the same just taking out a zero. Also their body was found exactly 1 month after my birth. I am just like them and everyone says so. My father thought he was reading the things I liked until I told him it was theirs! I have had only 3 or 4 dreams of them that I can think of. 1 where I pointed and touched their name on a wall. Also I can never picture them alive and moving..only their family. I can see them very well. Anyways I just thought I would share something. It is the strangest feeling I have about them but I'm not saying that I was them in a past life. I'm just sharing this with you.
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Re:  past lives?
« Reply #124 on: May 18, 2006, 01:45:57 AM »
I feel the same way. But with someone else.  You were smart to not say whom..even though I can guess who it is..(ppssst..hey holly..its changed my name..), but I always thought that since I couldnt picture that person that I had a connection with alive, that it meant I wasnt..that person in a past life..but then again Im not suggesting I was. But I just cant picture the person alive..or in color..or moving..except in dreams where I cant really see the person, but more of an image reflection of them..and not really moving but more as a slideshow. The thing is that I started having the dreams before I knew who the person was..I was about 8. Past life memories are supposed to be more common throughout young children, since they have had little esperiences in this life to blott out the experiences of the past life. Sounds logical to me.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Darkness_tillXx »


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Re:  past lives?
« Reply #125 on: May 19, 2006, 12:07:35 AM »
I also feel a connection to the Romanov. We all do here in this furum. We all share the same passion! I have my own theory about the people who believe they were a Romanov in a past life. I am NOT saying it is your case. It is juste what I believe. When I was 9 or 10 (I'm 19 now) I became very passionate about the Romanove. My best friend was also very intereted in them. We bought books and collected pictures. We had dolls that represented each member of the Imperial Family. It was so much fun. An, yes, we believed we were th reincarnation of members of the family. My friend really looked like Olga but tought she was Maria and I believed I was Anastasia. We would have never told each other, but it was more a game than sonething we believed. We had a lot of imagination and we loved to think that we were grand duchesses in our past lives. It was so romanesque! I made dreams about the Romanov and everything.
My theory is that people often feel a connection with the Romanov because their story is so interesting and full of emotions. Just like a good book. People might really believe they were Anastasia or Tatiana, but I think that, very often, it is more because they wish that they were a part of this incredible history.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Nanastasia »


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Re:  past lives?
« Reply #126 on: May 19, 2006, 02:31:22 AM »
I totally agree with you, Nanastasia..I mean, no one will ever know for sure who was/is a Romanov or who wasn't/isn't..or even if they were reincarnated. But, anyway, if it's any comsellation..I don't believe I was a Romanov, but somehow had a relationship with them in a past life.

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Re:  past lives?
« Reply #127 on: May 19, 2006, 01:17:40 PM »
HEY SOFI!!!  :D Yeah, must have taken you forever to guess who I was talking about.  ::)
I agree with you too Nanastasia. I wasn't saying I was them in a past life just telling you how I felt. We will never know if any of us was one of them for sure.

But some feelings and dreams cannot be explained by just a passion you have for a story.
"Господь им дал дар по молитвам их размягчать окаменелые наши сердца за их страдания..Мне думается, что если люди будут молиться Царской Cемье, оттают сердца с Божией помощью." -- Coming Soon.


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Re:  past lives?
« Reply #128 on: May 21, 2006, 04:27:44 AM »
^Wise words. I'll post-it-note that. lol
I was speaking to my old phsycholigist the other day, and she was retelling me some of my old meeting with her (I have no idea why) and she kept mentioning how amazed she was at my memory and I didint understand..what she meant, cos, frankly, I have been a bit..brainwashed so I asked her, after absorbing her ranting for hours, what she meant by my having a memory. She said she didint mean that kind of memory..but a memory that went deeper that others'.  And Im thinking 'Oh no..its another hippie..phsycholigist..type..' and then she went on to make it clear that she believed in reincarnation and that she meant I had memories of past lifes what go deeper than others' who are lucky enough to even have an ounce of a memory from a past life..and then she went on to tell me how I always would have these dreams that I would speak to her about (I was about 7 or 8 when I would go to her. Now I go to one that specialises in my needs. So we would talk about not very important things liek dreams, in this lady's office). Just chit-chat, but anyways she tells me now ( ::) ) how important they really were and what they meant. She says that I would always have dreams underwater. And sure I have this really huge memory of one dream I had in a ballroom that was underwater, swimming with a blonde toddler in a sailor suit (I diidnt know about the Romanovs at the time) but I didint think that I had had other dreams that even had to do with that one dream in the underwater ballroom. She told me that underwater means the mothers womb and that she realises that that dream I had of beling in an underwater ballroom with a boy in a sailor suit means that when I was urm, I guess ,'seat\rching' for my mother in this life (I dont knowin what other way to put it), wanted to go back and be born into something that had to do with, well we think, the Romanovs, and..well its really hard to explain.  Im not quite sure what she meant, but it was that me, as in my soul, I guess, wanted to be born into something Romanov-related, and of course when I was 'searching' for my mother (before I was born..ugh this is complicated), I didint know what the Romanovs were unless I had something to do with them in my previous I'm do we even know that that one dream of the sailor suitted boy in the underwater ballroom was Romanov-related (meaning..I guess, if the boy was a Romanov)?
But anyways I just thought I'd share that.

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Re: re: past lives?
« Reply #129 on: May 10, 2012, 02:43:29 PM »
Very interesting thread, I just wanted to ask anyone who feels like been someone else in a past life, do you think it would make you happy know more about it? Or maybe it would make you feel sad - or even afraid? I remember something like Anna Anderson always refused to speak in russian, and that was somehow explained by her possible trauma - do you think it's possible to be afraid of some things as a sign of a past life (and death)?

Just curious.
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Re: re: past lives?
« Reply #130 on: May 10, 2012, 04:13:30 PM »
Its well documented the last Tsar was very interested in Buddhism and had quite a collection of antique Buddhist statues and was involved with the Buddhist monk Ivolginsky Datsan. Therefore he would undoubtedly have read about past lives etc.  As Nicholas II was a very devout christian its unlikely his interest went as far as believing in reincarnation etc. Its a fascinating subject though. I also have enormous respect for the Dalai Lama who is of course supposedly the 14th incarnation of the same spiritual leader of Tibet.

However I think its funny how most people in the 'west' always profess to be someone important , like a princess, never a poor old washerwoman etc!

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Re: re: past lives?
« Reply #131 on: May 11, 2012, 12:56:50 AM »
However I think its funny how most people in the 'west' always profess to be someone important , like a princess, never a poor old washerwoman etc!
lol ...true! . I think one can have a real connection to the family( certainly many feel it, ) ....but it doesn't have to be based on being them or even knowing them from a past life...I  think there is more to us and our identities that we can possibly can be part of a collective consciousness  ( for want of a better  term) . I'll just never forget how something inside me stood up in recognition when I first saw thier photos....  how  or when such a connection  started ....I can hardly say .  Clemence  you make a great point. I believe generally we purposely "forget" past lives in order to live the current  one fully .... It would get confusing lol!  But also each one needs its own integrity. I think of it like reading a book. One reads a book one page at a time....not every page at once .

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Re: re: past lives?
« Reply #132 on: March 14, 2018, 05:16:10 PM »
I would love to talk to others interested In the general talk of reincarnation i have had some strange life experiences as well
~ Tatianochka

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Re: re: past lives?
« Reply #133 on: August 11, 2018, 02:07:08 PM »
Okay, I was wondering.......
I don't know if this has anything to deal with claimants, but do any of you believe in past lifes (reincarnation) or believe they had a past life as any of the Romanovs?

By the way, I'm so sorry if this isn't the right place to put this, I just had to ask. If anyone is offended, I'm deeply sorry. It's just pure curiosity. Well, goodbye! ;)

Once again, so sorry! :-[

I personally believe in reincarnation and feel I have had lives. It’s a foundation in many religions and I don’t think it should be made fun of. I do believe it’s possible and even famous people can reincarnate. I believe you will always look similar to before too in some way. I’ve been told my face resembles my past one

I have many Buddhist friends who believe in reincarnation and find it hurtful many people bash that aspect of their religion. I think all religions that only want to give love and light should be treated equal  :)