For anyone interested in a book that is quite informative on the subject of Regression (or Progression)Therapy, "Many Lives, Many Masters:Discover the Healing Power of Future Lives through Progression Therapy", is imo, a good choice.
From Amazon:
"Psychiatry and metaphysics blend together in this fascinating book based on a true case history. Dr. Weiss, who was once firmly entrenched in a clinical approach to psychiatry, finds himself reluctantly drawn into past-life therapy when a hypnotized client suddenly reveals details of her previous lives. During one hypnosis session his client introduces the spirit guides who have been her soul therapists in between lives. This is when the story really takes off for Weiss, who discovers that these guides have specific messages about his dead son as well as Weiss's mission in life. No, we cannot verify the truth of this story using the limited scientific tools we have available. However, it is hard to dispute that this well-respected graduate of Columbia University and Yale Medical School has discovered a personal truth that has led him to be an enormously popular speaker, author, and leader in the field of past-life therapy. --Gail Hudson"
Having done Regression Therapy, I experienced it as a wholly positive thing, and agree with Kay, that "kindness" is the key. I also believe that all of our life experiences are running concurrently, and we are focused in our present awareness...not unlike a reel of film that contains all of a movie, but only shows the frame passing over the light fixture in any given moment.