I have found via net a prayer (?) to the last Tsar...since he is a saint...so is he became like any other holy man in the Greek-Orthodox Church?...
here it is..
Kontakion 1
O passion bearer chosen from birth and incarnation of the love of Christ, * we sing thee praises as one who did love all the fatherland. * As thou hast boldness before the Lord, * enlighten our darkened minds and hearts that we may cry to thee: *
Rejoice, O Nicholas, God crowned Tsar and great passion bearer.
Ikos 1
The Creator of angels did send thee to the Russian land as an angel of meekness and instructor to thy people, as He did choose thee after the example of His Only Begotten Son to be a sacrifice of redemption for the sins of the people. And we, marveling at the Providence of the Almighty towards thee, cry out with contrition:
Rejoice, O likeness of Christ.
Rejoice, sacrifice of whole burnt offering.
Rejoice, adornment of the Tsar's of Russia.
Rejoice, thou who gavest an example of meekness and forgiveness to all.
Rejoice, true hope of the offended.
Rejoice, unshakable foundation of faith.
Rejoice, O Nicholas, God crowned Tsar and great passion bearer.
Kontakion 2
The All good Mother of God, seeing her chosen place, the Russian land, defiled by the abomination of corruption, chose thee from thy birth as a most pure one who would be for the cleansing of Russia, that all might as a funeral lamentation make a hymn to thee: Alleluia.
Ikos 2
The pre eternal Mind did fore know thy salvation and thy life, prefigured by Job the Much Suffering, joining thy birth and the memory of the righteous one. And we, recalling our sins and lawless deeds, with trembling of heart and contrition of soul cry out to thee thus:
Rejoice, thou who didst endure abuse and trials from thine own people.
Rejoice, thou who didst preserve the Faith to the end.
Rejoice, example of meekness.
Rejoice, guardian of the worship of God.
Rejoice, rule of humility.
Rejoice, O Nicholas, God crowned Tsar and great passion bearer.
Kontakion 3
The power of the Most High did overshadow thee, O God crowned Nicholas, who didst fight back to enlighten the West in its false wisdom, that the world might cry out to God: Alleluia.
Ikos 3
Having fervor for the enlightenment of those gone astray, thou, O right believing Tsar, was zealous for the erection of churches, the glorification of the relics of the Saints who pleased God, the planting of Christian enlightenment, and the protection of the unfortunate against violence, and so the Christian world cried out to thee thus:
Rejoice, namesake of St. Nicholas upon the earth.
Rejoice, fellow intercessor with St. Seraphim in Heaven.
Rejoice, planter of Orthodoxy.
Rejoice, bearer of the Light of Christ.
Rejoice, teacher of Christian patience.
Rejoice, intercessor for Orthodox Christians.
Rejoice, O Nicholas, God crowned Tsar and great passion bearer.
Kontakion 4
Thou didst not fear the storm of folly and abuse, O Passion bearer Nicholas, when thou didst renounce agreement with the enemies for the destruction of the fatherland; and thou didst endure censure, imprisonment, and death, crying to the Almighty: Alleluia.
Ikos 4
Hearing of the tumults of the Russian land and beholding the destruction of Christians, thou didst unceasingly pray, that the alleged Mother of God save Orthodox Russia. Wherefore, we cry out to thee:
Rejoice, fragrant incense of prayer.
Rejoice, inextinguishable lamp of faith.
Rejoice, admonisher of the violent by the meekness.
Rejoice, consoled of the disconsolate amid sorrows.
Rejoice, lover of heavenly things.
Rejoice, O Nicholas, God crowned Tsar and great passion bearer.
Kontakion 5
Thou hast been revealed as a God-guided star for Russians in the diaspora, O Tsar Nicholas; for, gathering them together in thy name, thou dost show the path to the rebirth of the Russian land, that we may hear angels crying out: Alleluia!
Ikos 5
Seeing that thy meekness and humility accomplished nothing, thou didst place all thy hope in the Most Pure Mother of God and give thyself entirely into the hands of the Almighty, that even the senseless might be instructed to sing to thee:
Rejoice, vanquisher of pride,
Rejoice, invincible rampart of the infirm.
Rejoice, enlightenment of the proud.
Rejoice, overflowing love for thy people.
Rejoice, fervent sacrifice for the Russian land.
Rejoice, O Nicholas, God-crowned Tsar and great passion- bearer.
Kontakion 6
The ends of the world preach thy glory, and thy word hath gone forth into all the earth; for there is no sacrifice thou wouldst not have offered for the good of the Russian land, thereby teaching thy people to sing in thanksgiving to God: Alleluia.
Ikos 6
Thou didst shine forth greater than the sun for the Russian land, O Tsar Nicholas, revealing thine intercession for the Orthodox people even unto death, that all might be converted to Christ and hasten to thee. Therefore we hymn thee thus:
Rejoice, O light that hath come out of the East.
Rejoice, example to Orthodox kings.
Rejoice, unquenchable shining of righteousness.
Rejoice, unsetting luminary of meekness.
Rejoice, fatherly exhortation to sinners.
Rejoice, fervent glorification of the righteous.