Marlene, it's what you call "pricey at the time of publication". Only 2 years ago I could get each volume for EUR 65,- plus shipping. Now they go for 4/5 times the price.
But this is not the Ferrand book I'm looking for. I look for both volumes of Romanoff Un Album de Famille. I offer a fair price. So if someone wants to sell his/her copy, I'm your guy.
Does "Un Album de Famille" come in 2 volumes? I thought it was only a single volume? Does anyone have a full list of Ferrand's books?
Romanoff : un album de famille 1989
Romanoff : un album de famille : complement 1990
Les princes Youssoupoff & les comtes Soumarokoff-Elston : chronique et photographies
Le Grand-Duc Paul Alexandrovitch de Russie : sa famille, sa descendance : chronique et photographs
Noblesse Russe Portraits Vol 1-6
Noblesse russe: portraits d'exil.
Romanov : Fragments de vie
Descendances naturelles des souverains et Grands-Ducs
Il est toujours des Romanov
Les princes Repnine
Les princes Obolensky , recueil genealogique et photographique
La descendance du comte Alexis Ivanovitch Moussine- Pouchkine
I'm sure I'm missing a few other titles.