Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > Balkan Royal Families
King Alexander and Queen Draga of Serbia
After the abdication of his father Crown Prince Alexander became King Alexander I of Serbia(above)!He was killed in 1903 in his palace in Belgrade!He reigned from 1889-1903!His father made an arragment for him to marry Princess Alexandra Caroline von Schaumburg-Lippe,but he envolved himself in an affair with his mother's Lady in waiting Draga!As he wanted to marry her or nobody,he in the end did it-witch cost him life!They were both murdered in the same day on 11th of june 1903!
Queen Draga of Serbia(two portraits above) met her future husband as a Lady in waiting of Queen Nathalie while they were living in France!She was very cultured and educated(she was writing novel and also poems),but she wasn't liked by the people because she was 10 years older then the King Alexander,she was divorced and also because she tried to persuade the King and the people that she was pregnat(and she in fact was not)!When the people heard that she was not pregnant at all they thought that she wants to bring her brothers to be the heirs to the throne...Her brothers were very,very unpopular at the time because of their behaviour as the brothers in law of the King!All this hate towards them led to the hate towards the King and the Queen who tolerated them witch also lead the King and queen to lose their lives in May 1903...
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