Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > Balkan Royal Families

King Alexander and Queen Draga of Serbia

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Marc, thank you for all this brilliant information, fascinating postings & wonderful pictures!  :D
I had been looking for things about Queen Draga for a while but had never seen any pictures of her.
It is indeed an unfortunate & 'stormy' family!!
Thank you SO MUCH - this is so interesting  :) :)

No problem,I am very glad you like it!They were very interesting family,having also many illegitimate issue,many mistresses and so on...You know how much I like portraits,so...I had to post them!

I tried the search function to no avail, so forgive me if this has been asked before.  Are there any books or materials that could be recommended about King Alexander and Queen Draga of Serbia who were assasinated in 1903?
I've readthat  there was an aborted film project in the early thirties set to star Pola Negri.  I'm trying to track down the screenplay, but would be interested in any materials.

Thanks in advance for any recomendations.

I think it is slightly off-topic, but may I ask, does the name dRaga has any meaning in SErbian? Just out of interest, because in Hungarian it means "dear" or "expensive" and a nice nick.

Alex.P, In the Balkans thread there should be a subtopic on Alex. & Draga. I remember posting pictures there. The "search" function is not as useful as it should be, imo.So I understand your frustration.
Anyway, here are 3 books I happen to have on hand-
DANCE OF THE ASSASINS M.Fagyas 1973 [a novel]
ROYAL PURPLE  Bertita Harding 1935
A ROYAL TRAGEDY Chedomille Mijatovich 1906
 Hope this helps


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