Re: Posting # 624: IMO, not HM George V.....the decorations are wrong: the color and placement of the ribband and star of St. Andrew are in the Russian fashion. I likewise feel that it is not George V in Russian uniform. I DO feel that it seems to be an ATTEMPT to depict Nicholas II, though IMO the lower facial features bear some covert resemblance to his paternal uncle, the GD Vladimir Alexandrovich - without the fuller "mutton-chop" whiskers. As to the female, I haven't an immediate reaction, other than she seems to be dressed (and hair done) in a much earlier fashion than the NII portrait. The same "misty," somewhat bland execution of the works could be by the same painter? But then again, it may be the angle of photography. Perhaps these were simply "decorators' items" (same size, matching frames, etc. to achieve "balance") to give the "unnamed" bar a bit of "classy" ambiance? Analagous to people now who purchase older unidentified portraits of seemingly well-off personages in order to have "instant ancestors" for their walls! I wish you good luck in finding your answer. Best regards, AP.