Re the kindly posted video of Reply #657: We also remember that their retainers are buried with them, there in St. Petersburg at the cathedral church of SS. Peter and Paul. On my last visit there, the little chapel was open and one could walk in, touch the tomb, or touch a personal icon to it. Some visitors were leaving tiny modern icons propped on the floor against the tomb, as well as simple flowers. The little chapel is now closed off by rope barriers at/near the two entrances to the room.
The small coffins are buried in stacks on "grilles", with the retainers being on the lowest stack, mimicking, in death as in life, proper rankings. The below-ground space has certainly more interior room which can accomodate the final two sets of remains, which are probably not expected anytime in the near future. It is interesting to note, that due to the fragmentation /decay of the bodies, (as well as the hurried execavation), many of the very smaller parts of the bodies are missing, as well as being mixed together. As the remaining portions of the bodies on top in the original grave pit decomposed, smaller digital, etc. parts dropped away and became mingled with the ones of the body/bodies below them. Thus, without total DNA examination of EVERY SINGLE fragment, it is more than possible that some of the retainers' minor remains are in the IF containers, and vice versa. But who REALLY cares? It is extremely fitting that they are together in death, as in life, both masters and servants. AP.