Sad to say, ebay won't do anything despite their policy.

I used to sell reprints of some my items before they just started popping up and I was being undercut on my own items. Now it's just not worth the hassle--plus there is now such a stigma. I used to get nasty comments from people about it. I mean, if you post a photo here (or another site) that's yours and then sell a reprint later, the assumption, if people don't know you're the same person, is that the item was 'lifted'. I know other posters/sellers used to have the same issues and decided to not sell items--basically chased off because of unscrupulous people.
I started altering ones I posted slightly from the original, not enough to be noticed except by me--an idea given me by another member. I would see these pop up on ebay and, despite my contacting them dozens of times over dozens of items, ebay doesn't do anything.
This is why I started putting 'grandduchessella' on items. I even started putting something on ones I post here that aren't mine, like scans from books, just to keep them from popping up on ebay for sale.
Even the 'grandduchessella' doesn't always work, unfortunately. I try to put it in an unobtrusive place, like the bottom, and I've seen the photos then pop up cropped off where the identifier used to be.
Lacrimae and smw, the 2 Laura mentioned are the
worst. Those items are straight out of this website and the Romanov collection at Yale. I even contacted Yale so they could contact ebay but there was no response. I noticed that they are starting to put watermarks on some of their photos though. I know the 2nd seller (through ebay, not in person) and tried talking to them before going to ebay but they blew me off. At least they don't put the ridiculous 'these are from my own collection' on there like lacrimae does. What a bald-face lie!
I know several people on the Forum who won't post their stuff at all because of this. And I know they have good stuff because we're frequent ebay competitors!

So that's a loss for people but I don't blame them.