The last post about sumned up what we hope was the case for George, and I think put together his sitiuation very well in fact. I think he might have had a platonic love, in fact it's more than likely he did, if his physical condition prohibited anything more than that. Perhaps it did not, but still that doesn't make us say that he might have married or had children, morgantically. There are always rumours of this sort, and although there might be good sources on that, some would say that about other things that aren't public, and can we judge them right or wrong? No, but we can use common sense. So I don't see anything morgantic. Everybody can say something about something that has not been settled in the public arena. One hopes George did have something; he did have a legendary sense of humour, for Nicholas long keot a box of George's jokes written down, and was seen laughing over them, years after George's death. One hopes that he had something to cheer him.