Author Topic: "Olga! What Really Happened...  (Read 12026 times)

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"Olga! What Really Happened...
« on: July 03, 2006, 02:57:10 PM » the Last Tsar's Eldest Daughter"

Has anyone read this, or does anyone know anything about it?  Being a completist, I've ordered it, but I have no idea what to expect!

(Thanks to David Downes -- bookfinder extraordinaire -- for letting me know about it...)


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Re: "Olga! What Really Happened...
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2006, 03:40:30 PM », says, that this book is historical fiction


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Re: "Olga! What Really Happened...
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2006, 06:06:29 AM »
 I recently recieved this from Amazon UK. I wish they had done an artist redition of Olga rather than an actual photo.

This is a very strange book! There is a link to Atlantis with Nicholas and the family's final assassin. It is just plan weird.

Clearly the author had her own personal view as to Theological beliefs which is not explained in her bio that are the centerpoint of story. I am speaking of the fact that there is no reference to let's say if she is attached to a specific organization or cult. If you read the bio you wouldn't expect the story to be as it is.

NOT recommended!


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Re: "Olga! What Really Happened...
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2006, 07:03:50 PM »
I take it the authors religious ideas are not Orthodox Christian?


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Re: "Olga! What Really Happened...
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2006, 07:11:42 PM »
So what really DID happen?  ;)


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Re: "Olga! What Really Happened...
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2006, 07:50:21 PM »
This is a short review I posted on


 ISBN 1-905203-88-8
Pen Press Publishers, Brighton, East Sussex, GB: 2006

There are a few Romanov books that defy classification as "good" or "bad" because they are so very, very bizarre. And this is one of them. I hesitate to say that this will be a comprehensive review, because there are so many levels to this book, with each one stranger than the last -- but I'll give it my best shot.

Oh. And there is going to be a little bit of bad language here -- not mine, but what the author attributes to Olga herself.

We start this book 13,000 years ago in Atlantis (the place, not the magazine) where a good king, Nikolay, has angered a bad king, Verion Rudge. Rudge is peeved because Nikolay's reign has been one of peace, tranquility and prosperity, brought about through Nikolay's wisdom and transcendant spirituality. His people love him immensely. Verion Rudge, on the other hand, has reigned poorly, and his people hate and fear him, and live in poverty and ignorance because of his reign of callousness and terror.

Nikolay and Rudge both live to ripe old ages and die. After his death, Verion Rudge starts planning his revenge on Nikolay, and studies at The Centre of Magical Sciences in one subsequent fifteenth century incarnation. He learns Evil Magic.

I think we all know where this is going.

And sure enough, in the reign of Nicholas II, Verion Rudge raises his head again and is responsible for agitating the Revolutions of 1905 and 1917/18. He is eventually Nicholas's executioner in Perm (we'll get to this).

But Rudge is not alone with his magical self. In what I can only describe as a Highlander-like twist, there is a Rudgian alter-ego called Count Christophe Worthton, who struggles to counter Rudge's evil with goodness and prayer, using his right-hand man, Gregory Rasputin, to infiltrate the Imperial Family with this message of peace and prayer.

But all is not well in the Imperial Family. Nicholas is hopped up on goof-balls and opium, and is purposefully kept this way so that Alexandra can control the country. Alexandra, driven by fear for Alexei's well-being, has sold her soul to the devil and belongs to a Satanic cult. This cult isn't gone into too much, but Alexandra picked up some pretty unusual powers from them: At one memorable luncheon, Alexandra mind-controls Olga by sending out orange rays from her eyes right into Olga's forehead.



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Re: "Olga! What Really Happened...
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2006, 07:50:50 PM »

Nicholas didn't notice the orange rays shooting out of Alexandra because of the goof-balls -- and indeed, he doesn't pay all that much attention to his daughters, except to "leer" at them -- and Marie and Anastasia don't seem to have noticed -- maybe because they're hardly in the book at all -- but Tatiana noticed, so Alexandra turned the ray on her too. The girls forgot to talk about the experience later.

And maybe they forgot to talk about it because they have to talk so damn much about Olga's bitterness over not being able to be her father's Heir, to be Empress herself one day. Christophe Worthton attempted to get Nicholas to change the succession -- but again, the drugs got in the way, and nothing happened. So Olga is bitter, because she knows she'd do a good job.

The bitterness spills over into everything -- she hates her mother, she gets around to hating her father, she hates her relatives and ancestors, but most of all, she hates Alexei. One day in the garden, she sits against a tree, watching her siblings play, thinking: "Alexis in the bright light and me in the shade, that's how things always are for us, little tw*t, throne-stealer, s*d him!"

Which brings me to the anachronisms and unlikely language in this book: The language is a bizarre mixture of Edwardian childishness (Tatiana is "dear old Tattikins) and modern, Chav-ish violence (Alexei is called "tw*t" frequently, as well as "clown prince" and other things). Olga speaks of her father's subjects as "Citizens" and is an out-spoken proponent of "Civil Rights" (would she even have known the term in 1914?) and is against "gender-based degradation" (refering to her nursing job during the war -- which she also hated).

Christophe Worthton speaks of Olga as "that splendid young woman," but I can only think that his magic isn't working too well, because when she is fifteen, she considers killing her parents and brother, but can't think of any way to gather supporters for her coup -- and when the Revolution happens in 1917, she wishes that someone else had killed her parents. This Olga, far from being a "splendid young woman," is a bitter and nasty psycho (though a politically correct one) who needs medication, not a crown.

In the end, the family get to Ekaterinburg, where, during one of the "rescue nights" described in N&A's diaries, Marie and Tatiana escape and are rescued by peasants and a couple of British guys with a plane. The rest of the family is transferred to Perm, where Verion Rudge gets his ultimate revenge by killing the remaining five Romanovs. Olga, in starting her afterlife, realizes that she has to study up so that she can do this better next time.

Did I mention that she was also the reincarnation of some Siberian High-Priestess?


Obviously, I don't think that this is a good "Romanov" book, even for a novel -- but I hesitate to categorize it as thoroughly bad, because something compelled me to read it to the end. And I would hate to discourage anyone from reading such weirdness if they enjoy weirdness -- or just would like to try reading a very, very strange book.

Ultimately I think this book might inspire others to write Romanov fiction because there will never be anything quite as abnormal as this.



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Re: "Olga! What Really Happened...
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2006, 03:55:47 AM »
I was actually quite interested in reading this book at first, but now I'm not so sure. In a way I would like to read it, but it just sounds WAY too weird and untrue (and in a way, a bit insulting).

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Re: "Olga! What Really Happened...
« Reply #8 on: September 09, 2006, 12:14:36 PM »
You have GOT to be kidding!!!!!! :o
So long and thanks for all the fish


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Re: "Olga! What Really Happened...
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2006, 05:37:57 PM »
Good grief! And I thought that Olga's consideration of snatching the crown from Alexei in The Snow Mountain was unrealistic. This novel sounds downright mad.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2006, 05:42:33 PM by OlgaNRomanovaFan »

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Re: "Olga! What Really Happened...
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2006, 05:50:23 PM »
At one memorable luncheon, Alexandra mind-controls Olga by sending out orange rays from her eyes right into Olga's forehead....Nicholas didn't notice the orange rays shooting out of Alexandra because of the goof-balls -- and indeed, he doesn't pay all that much attention to his daughters, except to "leer" at them -- and Marie and Anastasia don't seem to have noticed -- maybe because they're hardly in the book at all -- but Tatiana noticed, so Alexandra turned the ray on her too. The girls forgot to talk about the experience later.

I have to admit, I laughed out loud when I read this.
This does indeed sound like such a bizarre tale. Thanks for your review Penny, definitely helped me make a decision about this publication!  :D

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Re: "Olga! What Really Happened...
« Reply #11 on: September 09, 2006, 11:22:22 PM »
Thank you, Ms. Wilson, for posting your review. The book sounds beyond strange -sort of like a Royal version of Scientology or something. Weren't Olga's remains positively identified? But I'm guessing there's some magical explanation for that...

Offline Louis_Charles

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Re: "Olga! What Really Happened...
« Reply #12 on: September 10, 2006, 07:30:45 AM »
I have ordered it. This may possibly turn out to be my favorite Romanov book.


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Re: "Olga! What Really Happened...
« Reply #13 on: September 10, 2006, 12:36:06 PM »
Something like from the ridiculous to the sublime?  Possibly?  Ya think?
So long and thanks for all the fish

Offline jehan

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Re: "Olga! What Really Happened...
« Reply #14 on: September 10, 2006, 08:04:08 PM »
I have ordered it. This may possibly turn out to be my favorite Romanov book.



I must admit I'm curious too. Since I'm forwarned (thanks Penny!) if I decide to get it I'll know what to expect.  It could be  a great read in a nice bubble bath with a glass of chapagne!   8)
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