Back to the purose of this thread.
Here are some questions we know that are being asked.
The Senior Procurator, Vladimir Soloviev has announced that the following scientific examinations will take place on the 2007 Ekaterinburg excavation remains by the Team of 12 Experts:
Firstly, the anthropological and stomatological expertizing will take place.
Followed up by the Criminalistic evaluation of:
1. the bullets,
2. the cloth fragments.
3. Compare these objects with those found in 1991.
4. Examine the charred fragments of wood from the fire.
Initial questions which the experts will evaluate will be:
1. How many individuals?
2. The sex?
3. The age?
4. Are there any traces of injury to the bones? -> If there are, what is the source of the injury(ies)? type of injury(ies)?
-> Was(were) the injury(ies) sustained during life or postmortem?
The next phase of the Soloviev Inquiry will be genetic profiling.
A direct comparison will be made using the 2007 bone samples with the DNA profiles from the 1991 bone samples.
Margarita Nelipa
If anyone has any of their own questions but are afraid they might be rediculed, just PM me, as you can see, Bear's skin is thick and can take the sting of redicule and rejection, because I am, afterall, just tryng to discover the truth of what is, the possibilites, what is past the "dead end" zone, and the highly unlikely, which is next to THE impossible stuff...
PS The PARTY was great but no one came early enough to helped us gather all the wood needed for the roasting which we did in a pit (under the ground and covered with palm leaves) like they do in Hawaii. [Here is another way. See the following web site:]. The results: Deliciously good.... And, yes, there was plenty of honey and real butter for the freshly baked bread and.... Well, you had to have been here. Maybe, next time all you can come to Bear's Party.