Hello, "Sarai," and thank you for your question/Reply #19: IMO, the reasons are "all of the above" that you have so perceptively stated. With the demise of the Anna Anderson debacle, emergence of DNA testing, finding/identification of the IF bones, etc. , I feel that interest has decidedly decreased, both in America and abroad. They are simply not a continuing news item. The reburial of the IF did not produce the overwhelming response, crowds, etc. that were expected in Russia. Polls done there do not seem to indicate any particular lasting resurgence of "Nikolaiesque-interest" (outside of the expected "tokenism"), or return to monarchial rule. Here, simply review a week's worth of contributions on this forum and you will see the rightfully continued mounting interest in other topics (Windsor, Habsburg, Wittelsbach, the French royals, the Italian royals, etc.) Look at the statistics: For example the "Top Ten Boards:" "The Windsors" are second in interest to the "Having Fun Board," which is the prime domain of the "colorists." This is fine, for this forum is "....and Royalty Discussion Forum." The same tiresome questions are addressed over and over again in the Romanov groupings, until the FA has repeatedly asked that one first RESEARCH before asking. As for books: After the older Massie book, factual (as opposed to fiction) modern Romanov books do not seem to have garnered any nation-wide "top best-seller" honors, etc. or have been unmercifully "panned". I think that someone here has labeled this a "niche" market. Some will sell, others quickly go to the bargin bin and are forgotten. All in all, I personally hold no particular abiding interest in the Nicholas II era or family; they are simply unfortunate curiousities in the flow of Russian history. If others wish to do so, that is, by all means, their personal right. Best regards to you, and Happy New Year! AP