Translation of Article concerning the restoration of the AP.
Alexander Palace Restoration to start in 2009
Restoration of Alexander Palace, located in Tsarskoe Selo, will begin next year.
Beginning in 2009, the subject-project will be included in the budget financing and engineers will start working on the restoration of the palace roof, BIA said. Beginning in 2010, specialists will begin restoring facades of buildings.
. Recall that the building was recently transferred to the museum and officials are now processing the documents.
Earlier, the right wing, mezzanine and basements were in the maintenance and control of the Military Institute, Office of Maritime Engineering, so the museum could not begin the restoration work at the palace.
. Alexander, useful or New Palace was begun in 1792 by order of Empress Catherine II and presented as a gift for the marriage of her grand-favorite son, Grand Duke Alexander Pavlovich (the future emperor Alexander I), the great Princess Elizabeth.
In May 1796, the last year of Empress Catherine II, the palace building was finished, and 12 Jun, 1796 Grand Duke Alexander P. and his wife moved into the New Palace.
. The design of the Alexander Palace belongs to the famous Italian architect Giacomo Quarenghi. In a subsequent restructuring of interior finishes and Alexander Palace attended by such famous architects as Vasily Stasov, Andrew Shtakenshneyder and others.
The palace is a somber and elegant two-storey building with wings on each the sides. At the center of the main northern facade -is a magnificent and dramatic colonnade , consisting of two rows of columns.
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