Let me get the number of "greats" right...
My father was Vadim Alexandrovitch Narishkin, son of Alexander Dimitrievitch Narishkin who was the son of Dimitri Ivanovitch Narishkin, who was the brother of Zinaida Ivanovna Narishkina. That makes Zinaida Ivanovna my great-great-aunt, and that makes Felix my father's first cousin once removed, and makes Felix my second cousin - please correct me if I'm wrong.
According to my family's genealogy (by Nicholas Ikonnikov), Zenaida Ivanovna was born on November 2nd, 1809, and died on the 16th of October, 1893, at Boulogne-sur-Seine (as announced by her granddaugher, princess Youssoupova, countess Soumarokova).
She married prince Borkis Nikolayevitch Youssoupov (born June 9th, 1794 - died October 25, 1849 and buried in Kotovo, Moscow district). He was first married to princess Praskovia, daugher of prince Pavel Petrovitch Stcherbetov, and his wife née countess Anastasia Valentinovna Moussine-Pouchkine.
She later married the Marquess de la Serre, count de Chaveau.
Zinaida Ivanovna and Dimitri Ivanovitch were the children of Ivan Dimitrievitch Narishkin (born April 17, 1776, died April 15, 1847) and Varvara Nikolaievna née princess Ladomirsky (born May 17, 1785, and died burnt alive in an accident on November 26, 1840). She was the natural daughter of Ivan Nikolayevitch Rimsky-Korsakov from his union with princess Ekaterina Troubetzkoya, whom Rimsky-Korsakov - an erstwhile favourite of Catherine II - had "stolen" from her husband, count Alexander Sergueyevitch Stroganov. Varvara and her siblings (by the same father) were ennobled ("anoblis" in French) by an Imperial Ukaze on November 15, 1798, and given the name of Ladomirsky and the titles of prince & princess. So, Varvara was my and Felix's great-great-grandmother. Varvara was a stunning beauty - you can find a portrait of her, painted by Vigée Le Brun, here:
http://www.batguano.com/VLBladom.jpgAs you can see, much of those Youssoupov good looks came from her! I can vouch (with lots of family photographs over 5 generations to prove it) that these good looks have been passed on to every generation since, including my nieces, their children, my son, my daughter, and my grand-daughter!