I really would like to call a daughter - when for God's will i'll have children of my own - Anastasia.
Here in Italy, you know, is a pretty common name, because the saint patron of Naples is indee Saint Anastasia. Ok, i don't live in Neaples - nor near to it, i live in the north - but it wouldn't be so strange if i called a daughter Anastasia.
My husband, alas, is not so happy for this. I don't like the other GD names - Olga, in Italy, is a name for a old lady; Tatiana was a friend of mine when i was a little girl and we had serious arguments (nowadays she even doesn't say me hello!); Maria is the most common name in Italy, but i don't like it much. And, of course, everyone would think that a daghter called Maria was named after the Virgin, not after a Romanov GRand Duchess! (in Italian, Maria is pronounced just the same as in Russian and in Hebrew, MA - REE- YA)
But Anastasia... i like the name soooo much! But in the russian pronunciation - A -NAA -STA - SEE -YA, with an accent on EE
My husband is not happy, as i said, he really wants a girl named Lucrezia - i like lucrezia very much, but if i would have another daughter, i want a little Anastasia of my own!
My best friend is called Elena (helen), and when i met her the first time at the college, she said: "Hello, i'm Elena, but everyone calls me Ella."
Of course I call her just Ella, but i explained her who was Ella to me - this is our firts meeting: she, who just presented herself politely, and me, chatting an hour about you - know - which - Ella.
We are best friend now. she didn't consider me a fool! YEAH!