Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > The Windsors

King Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson (Duke and Duchess of Windsor)

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And people wonder why Wallis has a bad reputation? She's been vilified more often and frequently than just about any other royal figure I can think of.

So let's put this nonsense straight to bed: In 1998 I interviewed Dr. Jean Thin, the personal physician to the Duke and Duchess in Paris, for my biography of Wallis, and asked him directly about what Bloch had said regarding Wallis's sexuality. Thin said that it was nonsense-he'd personally done cervical examinations of the Duchess-and specifically asked that I QUOTE HIM that she had :normal female sexual organs" on this as dispelling it. Later I contacted Bloch who admitted that it was all rumor. Just stop for a second and consider everything that's been said-she was a prostitute, she was a hermaphrodite, she was a man, she had (according to British Intelligence) "genitalia knotted like grapes" that prevented intercourse (and this from "people who had "seen" her in childhood, no less). Consistency demands that at least some of these cannot be true if others are-and there is absolutely NO evidence for any of this nonsense about her being a man, having deformed genitalia, etc. She DID have a hysterectomy in 1933 or 1934 that Barbara Cartland told me about-and Wallis had told her about it; Aline, Countess of Romanones, also confirmed this to me. I feel really confident in stating that there is absolutely no truth to these tales

aleksandr pavlovich:
 Re Reply #959 and Douglas:  Was there not a quote that made the rounds, attributed to Wallis stating that as for having progeny, the Duke  "was not "Heir-conditioned?'"  Seems to have been enough mis-connects to spread blame around!  (Perhaps it has been mentioned before on one of these threads.)  Additionally, some other rude/crude (and unprintable) remarks about his comparative "development" are allegedly from fellow military officers  housed in somewhat close quarters with the (at that time) young Prince, or either from changing room members of sports teams in which he participated. (And, yes, I know the typical "rejoinder" retort that is usually proffered in reply, but I'm not certain that HE had that "ready response"!)   Regards,  AP.


--- Quote from: aleksandr pavlovich on June 06, 2010, 10:21:49 PM --- Re Reply #959 and Douglas:  Was there not a quote that made the rounds, attributed to Wallis stating that as for having progeny, the Duke  "was not "Heir-conditioned?'"  Seems to have been enough mis-connects to spread blame around!  (Perhaps it has been mentioned before on one of these threads.)  Additionally, some other rude/crude remarks about his comparative "development" are allegedly from fellow naval officers  housed in somewhat close quaters with the (at that time) young Prince.    Regards,  AP.

--- End quote ---

I just don't know for sure anything about this royal pair, Alexsandr.  You read and hear all kinds of rumors about their private life.  I agree with Greg that Wallis was certainly female.  But beyond that,  all we have is speculation and gossip.  Everyone who has studied this pair have heard the rumors about Wallis favorite sex act, that it was this act that cemented the Duke to her for life and was the occasion of many of his jewelry gifts to her.  Wouldn't surprise me at all, if it were fact but who really knows.  Stranger things have happened.

 Complex and lovely a pair as they were, I wouldn't doubt that some rumors were true.  Plus, we can't forget the famous Duke, Duchess and Donahue aventure.  What was that really all about?  Knowing men and women as I do, I can imagine many things in the mix.

Confidently yours,.


PS:  Greg writes: "So let's put this nonsense straight to bed"......did you really mean to say that..??

This is what I believe.  Wallis was a woman.  She had a hysterectomy and therefore had female "parts."  She did sleep around and may have developed cervical cancer which necessitated a hysterectomy.  The Duke of Windsor was probably sterile having had the mumps as a school boy.  If a baby had happened I think the Duke would have been head over heels with the baby as he, along with all of King George V's children were great parents and very sweet with kids.  Just my own thought here is that I am glad they had no children as who knows what kind of problems would have cropped up about hereditary kingship etc.  I am glad they showered all their parental love on their terrible dogs who were spoilt beyond belief, and I tend to think that Wallis would not have made a good mother, but that is just me and I may be wrong.


--- Quote from: Forum Admin on September 01, 2009, 03:28:11 PM ---I have tossed out the lunatic pressing claims to be the illegitimate bastard child of the Duke of Windsor and a paid prostitute.  We brook no tolerance for unsubstantiated claims, more so today when a cheap DNA test can conclusively prove or disprove the claim.

I admit I was at first willing to allow her to post, without any reference to her claims of paternity until I saw her own website.  That made my decision easy. This is a place of genuine historical discussion, backed up with facts, not wild assertions.

Thanks to the person who gave me the heads up about this.   This lunatic is banned, like all the rest.

carry on


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Yes, this person made the following claims as well which I found on an *ahem* 'newsgroup':

"Queen Elizabeth is Hitler’s Niece says King Edward’s daughter

Queen Elizabeth’s father, King George VI, was also Adolph Hitler’s half-brother (not father as initially reported) according to Emily Elizabeth Catherine Josephine Mary Windsor-Cragg, [illegitimate] daughter of Edward VIII Duke of Windsor.

“Hitler was born in 1889 five years before Edward VIII, when "Georgie" (Victoria's favorite) was 23, long before his marriage to May Teck. He was brought up and abused as the eldest son in Bavaria, and Kaiser Wilhelm, the idealist, was in touch with him. The Duke of Windsor met his older half-brother for the first time in Germany in 1937; however, I have a document that shows Hitler was an intel agent for the British in the 1920's, so he probably KNEW Wallis,” she says.

“Edward VIII Duke of Windsor was routed out, scapegoated, bankrupted, exiled and labeled as Not-See because his wife, unbeknownst to him on his wedding day, was an MI-5 agent of his Father, the King George V,” she says.

“Edward VIII [my dad] was never allowed to marry anybody he liked; only ditsie royal women were permitted to him. So, of course, a black intel ops woman was very attractive, if only because he was so isolated from marriageable women,” she continues.

“The whole story is held at Windsor Library in the Royal diary archives near where my father made his home before he was kicked out of England,” she adds.

Kaiser Wilhelm was exiled and Czar Nicholas was slaughtered by the Cocaine addicted bully George V because they knew the secret about Hitler’s parentage, says Lady Windsor-Cragg.

This information about Hitler contradicts the results of an Austrian Parliamentary investigation and other testimony by close Hitler aides that his father was the Baron Rothschild. Hopefully authorities in the UK will act promptly to check the Royal diary archives to confirm Lady Widnsor-Cragg’s assertions before the evidence is hidden."

Ah--so now we know the REAL story (about so many things) !  ::)


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