It has always been my contention that Wallis was not in love with David. I don't think it ever occured to him and I'm not certain it would have mattered-that he was determined to have her was his only consideration. I believe that what started life as a game in which Wallis and Ernest colluded, ran hopelessly out of control because Wallis didn't understand the rules, NOT because she was American, but because she WASN'T English. It made it possible for David to convince her that he was ALLpowerful. It looks certain that he and Ernest "arranged "her divorce between them, thus removing, what for her, had been a very effective safety barrier. I feel there came a point at which she was desperate to extricate herself from the Royal "clutches" but he countered it by promising to find her wherever she tried to hide and threatening suicide, which may have been, in part, about his own desperation to escape a throne he'd never wanted. IMO, of course!!!