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Russia in France

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I don't have enough time now however I want to notice the room of Malachite in  the palace of Tuileries in Paris(burnt in 1870) which was a gift from Russian to Napoleon I believe...

There is a plan of reconstruction http://tuileries.org/
Perhaps some could ask for photo(I don't have anything abpout it...)


I'm late so ...the link of orthodox church in Nice(really well known)..actually there are problem for the propriety...Russaian state wants to make it back in his proproties abroad....


That is the church my family attended while in Nice.  Their house (Villa Catherine) was across the street from this church. My grandfather and great-grandfather are buried in this cemetery.
It is also interesting to note that Soviet Russia tried to take the Nice church in the late 1940s but the members of the church locked themselves inside for 2 days straight and refused to give it to let them in. They prayed until the soviets left.  Prayer worked for them :)

One of the most outsatnding russian orthodox church in France is also street Daru(rue Daru please!)one of the most well known place of meetings for exiled noblemens  after the revolution ,a french website...howerver there is pictures to see for no, fre,ch speakers...


what a thoughtless, I make,the link hereby:http://www.russie.net/orthodoxie/nevsky_ext.htm



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