Author Topic: Russia in France  (Read 50791 times)

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Re: Russia in France
« Reply #15 on: November 18, 2007, 05:08:27 PM »

Esther Lachmann, marquise de La Païva, known as La Païva, is a famous salonnière, "courtesan"  she is well known ofr her passion for diamonds during the nineteenth century (1819-1884).She is born from Jewish parents Polish refugees in Russia.

The marquise erected a hotel at 25, avenue Montaigne decorated with paintings by Beaudry, sculptures Dalou, Legrain, Auger and Barrias.

According Théophile Gautier, Païva was the illegitimate daughter of the Grand Duke Constantine Pavlovich Romanoff.
  One joke on the marquise was on her name people siad that Qui paye y va (Païva) = who pays can go there ...

She was on the most passionating features of her now the home of the travellers club; it has just been restored.
The mansion became famous by the fate of the Païva as well as its esclier onyx carved and its famous bathroom (listed as a french historic building), which was all the gossip of Paris.

« Last Edit: November 18, 2007, 05:10:02 PM by Vassili_Vorontsoff »


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Re: Russia in France
« Reply #16 on: November 18, 2007, 05:16:19 PM »
The church of street Daru In Paris has completed its renovation whereas church of Nice (noticed a few before)started the second part of the restoration of the exteriors...I do not have currently any photos of the works...

I'm sorry!


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Re: Russia in France
« Reply #17 on: November 18, 2007, 07:16:51 PM »
The church of street Daru In Paris has completed its renovation  .... restoration of the exteriors...I do not have currently any photos of the works...

I'm sorry!


Shall look forward to the time when you can do so. Thanks in advance.


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Offline BobG

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Re: Russia in France
« Reply #18 on: November 20, 2007, 05:13:42 AM »
This was the art collection of some russian noble before revolution,it stands in France however given the fact I do not have the book from it take it I can not recollect what it is...

If some may help me?
Thanks in advance,

The picture is Vasily Vereshchagin's "The Gallery of Alexander Basilevsky in Paris" 1870.  I quote from Great Private Collections of Impeial Russia:

"it was the Basilevsky hotel particulier on Rue Blanche that saw the beginnings of the oustanding collection that is now the pride of the Hermitage collection...In the background sits the collector himself, the driving spirit behind this impressive project."


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Re: Russia in France
« Reply #19 on: November 20, 2007, 05:29:42 AM »


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Re: Russia in France
« Reply #20 on: November 29, 2007, 06:59:06 PM »
Thanks all of us for the comments.



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Re: Russia in France
« Reply #21 on: November 30, 2007, 12:40:40 AM »
another memory to Russia......


<Château de Keriolet

Ou le songe d’une princesse russe

A cinq minutes de la ville close de Concarneau, sur les hauteurs de la cité, venez découvrir les destins atypiques de la princesse impériale russe Zénaïde Narischkine et de son mari le comte Charles de Chauveau, liés à celui d’un château extraordinaire dont l’origine remonte au 15ème siècle et qui fut transformé au 19ème siècle en une spendide folie néogothique. Il fut ensuite la propriété du prince Félix Youssoupov, assassin de Raspoutine.<....


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Re: Russia in France
« Reply #22 on: November 30, 2007, 02:56:41 AM »
Wonderful..and it can be visited from the end of June till September I will make a note of that for the Future! Thank you Ashoka..


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Re: Russia in France
« Reply #23 on: February 11, 2008, 09:14:23 AM »
The college Dupanloup in Neuilly-sur-Seine in Paris' 16th district (one of the most prized and most expensive) is located in the former mansion of the Grand Duke Paul of Russia, and who has his copy in Tsarskoye Selo.

It seems to me taht the prince Youssoupov enrolled her daughter here.

The library

« Last Edit: February 11, 2008, 09:15:59 AM by Vassili_Vorontsoff »


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Re: Russia in France
« Reply #24 on: September 27, 2008, 05:01:28 AM »
I just discovered Castle of Stors next to Paris which is in full restoration and whose history should interest you!

It was built for the prince Louis Françoise de Bourbon Conti by the architect Constant d'Ivry in 1746.Well known guests such as Diderot, d'Alembert, Rousseau, Buffon, Grimm were often invited by the prince in his field.

(The palace at the 19th century)

By transmission , the castle passed to Lannes de Montebello.

Gustave Lannes de Montebello was the French ambassador in Saint Petersburg; as a matter of fact the Romanov family used to hunt in the park. The tzarine fell under the spell of the orchids and Gustave delivered by private car for it to flourish tables in Saint Petersburg. Members of the Romanov family loved to come there , including the Grand Duke Alexis (1850-1908), brother of Alexander III.

Two Siberian bears were offered by Nicolas II to Montbello, they were placed in the grotto below.

In 1944, Allied bombing destroyed the north wing of the castle and the farm.

The bombing  partially destroyed the palace but damaging also the park. Followed Sixty years of neglect,  and the 1990  where the palace was threatened of demolition. Looting and vandalism have disfigured but finally a family of passionate dared challenge: restore the field in his last splendour.

In 2001, the terraces, kiosks, and pelvis are included in the supplementary inventory of Historical Monuments.

Store is currently being restored.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2008, 05:03:07 AM by Vassili_Vorontsoff »

Offline BobG

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Re: Russia in France
« Reply #25 on: September 27, 2008, 07:32:58 AM »
Wonderful info and photos Vassili.
Bob G
« Last Edit: September 27, 2008, 07:35:23 AM by BobG »


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Re: Russia in France
« Reply #26 on: September 29, 2008, 04:10:45 PM »
Thank you so much!


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Re: Russia in France
« Reply #27 on: April 07, 2009, 08:10:18 AM »

The Palace of Versailles is organizing an exhibition of costume in 18th century court, a court dress created in the french style, belonged to imperatrice Maria Feodorovna (exposed in Pavlovsk) will be presented there.

The exhibition runs from March to June 2009.


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Re: Russia in France
« Reply #28 on: October 05, 2009, 08:03:39 AM »
Interesting shot of the hotel particulier of grand Duke Paul à Boulogne Billancourt near Paris:

This little article sum up the history of the hotel particulier:

Fils du tsar Alexandre II (1818-1881), le grand duc Paul de Russie (1860-1919), contraint de quitter son pays natal à cause de son mariage morganatique et de ses idées jugées trop libérales, établit sa résidence à Boulogne, à proximité du quartier du parc des Princes. Cette partie de la ville avait été bâtie à l'instigation de Napoléon III et du baron Haussmann sur des parcelles du bois de Boulogne. Il s'agissait de faire du parc des Princes un lieu réservé aux résidences de luxe et dont tout commerce ou industrie étaient proscrits. L'opération s'avéra fructueuse et nombre de célébrités du second Empire élurent domicile dans le nouveau quartier. Le grand duc Paul s'installe dans un hôtel particulier second Empire qu'il fait agrandir à partir de 1908 en lui adjoignant des communs organisés autour d'une rotonde surplombée d'une coupole vitrée. Peu après la Révolution russe, l'État français réquisitionne la propriété qui est vendue aux Domaines en 1921. À la suite de son rachat, la demeure abrite l'institution religieuse Dupanloup, anciennement implantée à Paris, qui se consacre à l'éducation des jeunes filles. Les bâtiments appartiennent toujours à l'école catholique qui s'est ouverte à la mixité et s'est dotée d'un collège.

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Re: Russia in France
« Reply #29 on: October 06, 2009, 04:31:02 AM »
A large request to all who posts in other languages: please don't forget here's an English-speaking Forum!

Translate your posts into English, respect other members please.