Author Topic: Your Top Ten Most Interesting Royals and Why  (Read 14069 times)

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Offline Ena

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Re: Your Top Ten Most Interesting Royals and Why
« Reply #15 on: August 23, 2006, 10:08:37 PM »
QEI - What is it about long reigning queens and world altering changes?  ;)
Queen Victoria - Need I say more?  :D
Marie Coburg - Very much maligned.  The more you read about her, the more you are on her side.
VMH - Way ahead of her time. 
Vicky - Oh, what could have been; if Bismarck hadn't ruined everything for her.  :-\
George V - So many changes, so many decisions to make.  With one swoosh of a pen, European royalty was changed forever.
Wilhelm II - Part of the bigger picture in history.  So complex and surprisingly English to the end.
Missy - I see-saw on my feelings about her, but she sure led an interesting life!
Queen Olga of Greece - Really grew into her role and became the people's Queen. All those homesick princesses should have learned a thing or two from her. 
Grandduchess Olga Alexandrovna - Much more interesting than her sister Xenia.

Offline Ena

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Re: Your Top Ten Most Interesting Royals and Why
« Reply #16 on: August 23, 2006, 10:10:40 PM »
Vicky, next to Ella, is my favorite of all royals. We used to have a Favorite (as opposed to Interesting) royals list in the pre-switch days. I had trouble narrowing that list down.  :)
I've pretty much resigned myself to the fact that my favorites might change weekly!  ;D


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Re: Your Top Ten Most Interesting Royals and Why
« Reply #17 on: August 24, 2006, 02:54:56 AM »
interesting how Missy, Vicky and VMH keep coming up on this list... ;)

Offline Eddie_uk

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Re: Your Top Ten Most Interesting Royals and Why
« Reply #18 on: August 24, 2006, 05:43:03 AM »
Huh ?

 Missy wrote in her memoirs as she sometimes felt that Vicky's smiles were faked and not sincere.

That is interesting. I think it's rather clear from her writings though, that she was a caring and sincere lady in my opinion. The love match with Fritz was indeed wonderful and she certainly deserved that. What else do members like and find interesting about Vicky?  :)
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Re: Your Top Ten Most Interesting Royals and Why
« Reply #19 on: August 24, 2006, 05:55:44 AM »
Vicky, next to Ella, is my favorite of all royals. We used to have a Favorite (as opposed to Interesting) royals list in the pre-switch days. I had trouble narrowing that list down.  :)
I've pretty much resigned myself to the fact that my favorites might change weekly!  ;D

lol, same here Ena and I like you list!! I find them all interesting!!
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Re: Your Top Ten Most Interesting Royals and Why
« Reply #20 on: August 24, 2006, 08:44:26 AM »
Ella is my all round favourite...Although I admired her more.  ;)

Offline royal_netherlands

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Re: Your Top Ten Most Interesting Royals and Why
« Reply #21 on: August 24, 2006, 11:46:15 AM »
1Queen Wilhelmina, fore her fifty years leadership in a changing world (1898-1948),her role in second world war and exactly her whole life was fascinating.
2 Queen Mary, fore her highly intellect and fore being such a fantastic Royal Queen.
3 Queen Alexandra, fore her character and her beautiful look, she was more than interesting.
4 Queen Maud, If elegance would have a name it would be heir’s.
5 Queen Emma, She was a great Regent, made the Dutch Monarchy popular again to the people, and saved many people with her charity work (fighting tuberculosis)
6 Princess Victoria, devoted to her Mother, but what if she had changed that, and lifted her own way.
7 Empress Maria (Dagmar), starting of as a perfect Empress, and ending in a horrible exile that’s a interesting story
8 Princess Alice (Athlone), She saw them all, from Queen Victoria until Princess Diana, a strong woman how lifted a magnificent life until the end.
9 Queen Astrid, in her short life she became extreme popular, but with a early death it only grew more, and still goes on today.
10 Queen Elisabeth from Belgium, The red Queen, during the first world war popular fore her nursing and trying to think of ways to make peace, a strong and a Queen how did it her way.


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Re: Your Top Ten Most Interesting Royals and Why
« Reply #22 on: August 24, 2006, 12:30:39 PM »
Poor Toria, who end up being a spiteful old maid...Sad.  :(

Offline Guinastasia

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Re: Your Top Ten Most Interesting Royals and Why
« Reply #23 on: August 25, 2006, 11:05:17 AM »
Only ten?  Well, okay, here goes (no special order):

-Princess Marie Louise of Schleswig-Holstein: charming, funny, independent, and intelligent.  I'd love to be able to get my hands on her memoirs, which are said to be a great source of information on her royal relations.

-Queen Marie of Roumania: conceited, vain and overly dramatic, but also warm, loving, intelligent, creative, generous, and patriotic.  Just what a Queen SHOULD be!

-Queen Louise of Sweden: an eccentric, unpretentious woman with a great sense of humor.  She just seems like someone who would be a BLAST to hang out with.

-Louis Mountbatten, Earl of Burma: Mountbatten!  The above mentioned Queen Louise's baby brother, I find him absolutely fascinating.  Charming, funny, gracious, sometimes grandiose and ambitious, and never dull. 

-Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna of Russia: (sister of the last Tsar).  Olga may not have been a  beauty, but she had dignity and strength, which carried her through a disastrous first marriage.  She was finally able to prevail and marry the man she truly loved.  Totally down to earth, casual, a talented artist and unpretentious.  She was also a kind and generous soul, who, even though knowing that Anna Anderson was not her niece, still felt compassion for her.

-Queen Victoria: a lot of people find her dull and conservative, but she was anything but.  Despite a reputation as a stuffy, uptight prude, she was very forthright, blunt and intimidating.  She was actually very passionate and intense, she preferred whiskey in her tea, she loved her husband and had a healthy sex life with him, and despite her maternal image, was not very fond of babies and motherly pursuits.  Here you had this tiny little old woman, not even five feet, who totally intimidated Otto von Bismarck.  And she was the ONLY ONE, it seems, who could make the infamous Kaiser Wilhelm II, her eldest grandchild, behave, or at least, feel some sense of shame.  When she came to the throne, people were afraid that such a tiny, young woman wouldn't be up to the task of ruling-by the time of her death, everyone wondered if Britain could survive without her.

-Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll:  Queen Victoria's fourth daughter, the only one to marry a peer, the future Duke of Argyll.  Sadly, the marriage was unhappy, but Louise was a hoot.  Very progressive-she actually went and studied at an art school, becoming a talented sculptress.  She could be nasty at times, and disagreeable, but her sarcastic wit could be a real source of amusement.  And the ONLY ONE to stand up to Queen Mary's mooching ways.  "The clock is here and here it will stay."

-Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig of Hesse and By Rhine: brother of the last Tsaritsa, and a fascinating individual.  Warm, gracious, funny and creative, he was a devoted father and patron of the arts.  Was he gay, or bisexual?  We'll likely never know for sure, but his second marriage seems to have been a success.  A favorite uncle with his nieces and nephews.  He was a patron of the Art Nouveau movement (I LOVE Art Nouveau, btw).

-Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich of Russia:  Brother of the last Tsar (and technically, the last Tsar himself) and of the afore-mentioned Grand Duchess Olga.  Determined to marry for love, he found happiness with the beautiful Natasha who was, alas, already married, and had divorced her first husband.  However, her second husband proved to be controlling and abusive, and she ultimately left him for the Grand Duke.  Despite being deprived of his rank and titles and forced to go into exile until the first World War, his marriage was happy.  He was a devoted husband and father to his own son and also his stepdaughter, Natasha's daughter Tata from her first marriage.  Once, when a group of Russians came to visit the couple in exile, they came bearing a number of extravagant gifts for his son, George, hoping to win the favor of the Grand Duke.  However, he also noticed that sadly, they only brought poor Tata a small box of candy.  As soon as they left he went out and purchased a fountain pen that Tata had had her eye on for a long time.  Later, he became something of a war hero, despite being given what was considered a "punishment regiment", the so-called "Wild Division."  Under his command, they became a force to be reckoned with.  He was also the first of the Russian royals to be murdered in the Revolution, and to this day his remains have never been found.

-Princess Victoria Louise of Prussia, the Duchess of Brunswick: the youngest child and only daughter of Kaiser Wilhelm II.  She fell in love with the Princes Ernst August of Cumberland, whose family, Hanover, were the enemies of her own.  For Victoria Louise, it  was love at first sight and several relatives and friends played go-betweens until the parents of the young couple finally relented.  Their wedding was the last great gathering of European royalty before the outbreak of WWI.  VL and her husband had a successful marriage-although sadly, she later became estranged from several of her children, including daughter Frederike, Queen of Greece.  Today's Queen Sophie of Spain is Victoria Louise's granddaughter, through Frederike. 

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May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
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Re: Your Top Ten Most Interesting Royals and Why
« Reply #24 on: August 26, 2006, 12:01:46 AM »
Yes...I agree Victoria Luise was a handful, but non-the-less she was interesting.  ;)

Offline Laura_

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Re: Your Top Ten Most Interesting Royals and Why
« Reply #25 on: August 26, 2006, 02:01:50 PM »

-Queen Marie of Roumania: conceited, vain and overly dramatic, but also warm, loving, intelligent, creative, generous, and patriotic. Just what a Queen SHOULD be!



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Re: Your Top Ten Most Interesting Royals and Why
« Reply #26 on: August 27, 2006, 08:19:26 AM »
A woman of contradictions...yet she was liberated for her time in many ways.  ;)


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Re: Your Top Ten Most Interesting Royals and Why
« Reply #27 on: August 29, 2006, 10:03:54 PM »
Here we are in no particular order:

Peter the Great/Alexei Petrovich:   Apart from their individual complexities, the father/son dynamics are spectacular, catastrophic and pivotal.

Princess Ileana of Romania:  Took quite a journey from being the sweet little girl that took a shine to the little Tsarevich and the woman who did whatever she had to to being the sensitive monastic and author.

Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother:  an heroic life, graciously lived besides.

Emperor Constantine the Great:  call him a saint, or call him opportunistic - he still changed the world and oversaw an Ecumenical Council by making Christianity legal in the Roman Empire.

All thwarted little princes from King Tutankhamen to Pu-Yi - including the princes in the tower, Louis XVII and dear Alexei Nikolaevich.  Gotta feel for these little fellows who happened to be in the way of grownup usurpers and regime changers.

Amenophis IV/Akhnaton and Nefertiti - the romantic tale of a new religion becomes more complex with political spins and mysteries of what really happened in the end.

Alexander the Great - now imagine if he had made one false move....

King Arthur - whether or not he existed, an entire legend had to be based on something.


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Re: Your Top Ten Most Interesting Royals and Why
« Reply #28 on: August 30, 2006, 02:27:49 AM »
Wow you really gone back to VERY ancient times. Some are even legends (like Arthur). Like the Oueen Mother reacted to Winston Churchill's reference to the War Of Roses. "But that was VERRRRRRY Long time ago !".  ;D