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That photo of Irina is amazing. The fact that it is so hazy adds even more to her glamour. I still can't decide what I feel about her looks; still, virtually everyone who met her states that she was beautiful. After all, photos don't tell the whole story......
Brian, what do you think about those pearls, real or fake?
hmmmm. i'd say they were probably real....either hers originally; or, possibly from her mother or grandmother (or, even, her mother-in-laws....) but i'd say:: real. definately real.(but hey, i could always be wrong..... )
In that first picture that brnbg posted I thought she looked ok but a little bit manish to me. "waits for the backlash for that manish comment.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v433/feomarie/irina.jpgShe is sooo lovely!