Steven, the vast majority of the citizens of South Ossetia want to rejoin with Russia.
We are once again reaping the whirlwind of Stalin's legacy. HE was the one who divided Ossetia into north and south, granting the former to the Russian republic of the Soviet Union, and the latter to the Georgian republic of same. It is a completely ARTIFICIAL boundary, with no meaning whatsoever except in the minds of Georgian nationalists and their dunderhead president, Saakashvili.
I am not exaggerating when I call Saakashvili a dunderhead, either. Even Georgian taxi drivers, according to an American grad student I know (who up until recently lived in that country, that is, up until war broke out, and even then, he didn't want to leave), characterize Saakashvili as uncommonly stupid. I agree. Because only a very stupid man would have deliberately challenged Russia in this way and at this time. Saakashvili was asking for trouble (although I don't think he was aware of that sad fact) and he got it.
I also believe it's time that the United States, the EU, and NATO especially backed off from expanding their respective spheres of influence in Eastern Europe and former Soviet republics. McCain keeps threatening to throw Russia out of the G8 if he becomes president - I honestly don't think this will happen, but the threat in and of itself is worrisome. We don't need to be alienating Russia at the moment. It's not in our best interests. Russia can go her own way, but it should never be said that the West provoked her to take drastic steps in her own "self-defense." IMHO an aggressive policy towards Russia is doomed to failure at the present time.