Henry was indeed very inexperienced at the time of his marriage to Catherine. She might well have known more then, even if she was a virgin. It was convenient for everyone at the time to assume that she was a virgin, whether she was or not. I am not sure it would have occured to anyone to raise questions that would only have been embarassing and unneeded at that point in time. She, in my view was a virgin, but no one tested it, and I don't think they could have. Perhaps Henry didn't know then or later, but as has been said, he could not admit that. I do believe he could not have told that she wasn't a virgin. Later, questions were raised by him, because it was convenient for him. If it hadn't been, they would have never been raised. Catherine truly could not win, one way or the other. People do lie, sometimes, but Catherine would not have simply lied, given everything.