Personally, I am a monarchist only if it is a constitutional monarchy. Having said that, I will also state that my opinion is that equal primogeniture is the most fair system. (...) Let me remind you that several monarchies that did not allow women to inherit the throne were deeply unstable and that several of them are not monarchies anylonger.
Constitutional monarchy is essentially anti-christian, since it removes the power from the hands of the Defender of the Faith - the monarch - and places it in the hands of an elite group of people who claim to speak for the masses (in a so-called democracy), masses whose ideas are formed exclusively through the press owned by these elites. This elite group of people have largely been the bourgeoisie, of which a good number have not been of Christian faith. The evolution of these countries since the moment of switching from absolute to constitutional monarchy speaks for the anti-christian agenda of these elites: the progressive increasing laxity of the morals standards (rampant pornography, gay marriage laws, bolder and bolder pedophiliacs) imposed in the people's psyche by the elite's press, resulting in:
- gradual to almost complete abandonement of the worshiping of Christ (abysmal church attending rates of less than 5%), traded for
- an the idolatry of pleasures (hedonism) and of self (glorification of intellect and science), which led to
- dropping birth rates and increasing abortion rates, further leading to
- depopulation and, therefore,
- a forced necessary increase in immigration from non-Christian countries (Asian, African) in order to have enough of a labor force to keep the factories running.
The end result of your beloved constitutional monarchy and democracy is nihilistic: a complete destruction of Christianity in all these countries, morally and biologically.
Secondly, the monarchies with salic law succession you claim were unstable were, indeed, so only because of anti-christian revolutionaries, the forefathers of the Bolshevism and Communism, who constatly tried (and ocassionally succeeded) to assasinate the tsars, who fomented the revolutions in France, Germany, and Austria, which toppled their monarchies. As I said on another thread, all Christians are forbidden by their faith from being revolutionary. It was never the good Christians who revolted against their monarchs, but rather the lapsed Christians (e.g. unrepenting homosexuals condemned by the Church turned atheists) and, especially, the anti-Christians (people of other faiths who hate Christianity, satanists such as Karl Marx, etc.).
God bless!
Borbon Fan