part 2:
then there was the isabel 2nd situation. i would like to point out, as taren did, that the spanish, no matter how much they hated isabel, went back to monarchy again, after a while. that means that she didn't ruin things for the system, rather than for herself. we all know the story of alfonso 12th and 13th. and the last one was dethroned and, again, spain went back to monarchy with king juan carlos. i'd say this country knows what it wants and it wants monarchy, isabel 2nd or not.
the first world war saw a lot of monarchies fall. there was the russian one: nicholas 2nd. male. why? i'd say it was pretty much the same reasons as the french revolution: he was an unfit tsar, the country was doing really bad and of course they turned against the system. i'm sure we all know that nicholas deeply loved his wife and, like charles 1st of england, he had an exemplary family life. i dare you to try and find any proof that the russian revolution had anything to do with adultery, anyone's. nicholas' father, alexander was also a faithful husband. the most recent proof of unfaithfullness came from his grandfather, alexander 2nd. he died in 1881. do you really think the people would have waited 36 years to rebel against a dead guy's infidelities? don't think so.
the other monarchies that were lost after the 1st world war were all on the losing side: germany and austria and, if you want, turkey. i think it's pretty obvious what happened there: the country was doing bad, had lost a great war, had lots of damages to repair and on top of that they had to pay the winning countries to help them repair their damages. who do we blame? why, the monarch, of course, he was the one who started the war and couldn't win it! let's bring him down! i am open to being proved that any of these things had anything to do with failed marriages.
the 2nd world war? pretty much the same situation. romania, yugoslavia, greece, bulgaria... they all lost because of communism. in romania the monarch was very popular DESPITE (i'm not yelling, i'm emphasizing) carol 2nd's, indeed, failed marriage. carol was replaced (yes he had a louzy image, and was dethroned), however the monarchy survived and his son, michael, was immensly popular. he was dethroned because the communists didn't accept monarchy as a system. same goes for all the other countries i mentioned. oh and by the way, all these monarchs... were male. just like the ones dethroned after the 1st world war.
if you want we can talk about dethroned monarchs too (that were just replaced with other monarchs rather than replaced with another form of government). and we shall see that: a. most of them are male. b. a very small percent of them were dethroned because of marital infidelities. c. they were all doing bad jobs as monarchs and the b. point, when valid, only strengthened the populations' determination to dethrone him rather than cause it.
i am now expecting to be showed why borbonfan places so much importance on monarch's failed (or not) marriage. i think i have made my point clear.
edited to add: i forgot the american revolution. male monarch, completely faithful to his wife (they had 15 children or so), exemplary family life, went crazy, true, but long after the revolution... i think we can agree that it has nothing to do with anyone's married life.