I agree entirely with Grandduchessella - it is such a pity when posters find it necessary to descend to personal attack in order to make a point on what is a very interesting, informative and entertaining thread. I have just read the entire eleven pages posted since I last was able to look at the Forum and frankly I am very impressed by the depth of knowledge our posters. However, this is totally sullied by some of the unpardonably rude remarks directed at posters whose, equally valid, opinions may be at variance. Every opinion is worthwhile, but posts are open to interpretation - irrespective of how often they are read.
May I pass a couple of observations - I was astonished to have to read ten pages before there was a reference to Edward VIII.
The proprietor of British newspapers to whom, I believe, BourbonFan refers, is Rupert Murdoch - an Australian. He is an avowed anti-monarchist, but even he I am sure has the wit to realise that the British Press and the British monarchy are mutually dependent especially in an age of mass media.
As a former BBC employee, I noted with interest BourbonFan's one attribution - to the BBC. The Corporation would be negligent in not offering him/her a contract based on, if nothing else, dogged determination and entertainment value. It is hard to believe it possible, in the 21st century, to find someone with so many archaic and dogmatic opinions. However, these are opinions deeply held and of equal worth and interest.
I think you will find, if the British public was asked which of the four offspring of HM Queen Elizabeth II they would prefer to see inherit the throne, the answer would be a resounding 'Princess Anne'. Now there is an enthusiasm for skipping a generation and Prince William become successor, but that has nothing to do with the fact he happens to be male. Prince Andrew, although no longer perceived as the playboy prince of old, is busy promoting British golf around the world. Golf is his personal passion.
May I mention one thing in favour of female leaders, be they Queens, Presidents or Prime Ministers - not one in the history has been possessed of the evil of a Hitler, a Stalin a Pol Pot, a Mao, a Bin Ladin or the stupidity of Kaiser Wilhelm - all 'leaders' who happened to be male and who led countless millions to their undeserved and untimely deaths. Much though I deplore adultery - whether committed by a male or a female, humble subject, king or queen - this pales into insignifance when compared with the depths of the depravities committed by those men.