Author Topic: Does Anyone Know the Imperial History of the Kochanski Stradivarius?  (Read 3752 times)

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Does some knows that the Kochansky violin actually owned by Pierre Amoyal was the property of the Tzar?Extract of the website:

"Pierre Amoyal plays the Kochanski Stradivarius, made in 1717, believed by many to be one of the most beautiful Stradivarius violins in existence today."

"This violin once belonged to the Tsar Nicolas II in Russia. When the revolution began, he offered the violin to the Polish violinist, Pavel Kochanski, in order to keep the violin safe from harm. Kochanski then attempted to flee Russia in a train car carrying farm animals with his best friend, Artur Rubinstein. When the train was stopped by revolutionary soldiers, Kochanski had the idea to play revolutionary melodies on his violin - which saved his life. "


« Last Edit: April 26, 2009, 02:39:11 PM by Alixz »