Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > Tatiana Nicholaievna

Did Tatiana see someone get shot?

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Angelic Duchess:
Hi!   im new here, but have been following the alexander palace for a little under a year now. :P

I wondered if someone had any information on who Tatiana saw getting shot? i remember reading it in the old forum but i cant find it anymore. Ive been trying to find something to do with it in the new forum but have come up with nothing. I remember reading the olga and her father where in the room and heard the shot and Tatiana, upon seeing what happened, closed the door quickly as not to let her sister and father see what had happened.

Any information will be much appreciated :) thanks.

That would be the Prime Minister, Pyotr Stolypin, who served under Nicholas II from 1906 to 1911.  He initiated some fairly radical reforms as far as I remember.

He was assassinated during a performance at the Kiev Opera House in 1911, in the presence of Nicholas II, Olga and Tatiana.  Nicholas said later the girls were much upset by this event, though how much of it they actually saw, I'm not sure.

Angelic Duchess:
Thanks Grace for the info :P  :) :)


i can see olga's face now.. in horror!
and nicholas.

are there any documents that the girls wrote about the event?

In fact, it was only Tatiana who saw the shooting. Tatiana was still in the box while Olga and Nicholas were in the back area.

Nicholas came out, and I believe Stolypin looked up at the Tsar (which some interpreted as a sign that Nicholas had somehow been involved in the shooting!) before collapsing. I think Nicholas visited him in hospital (he died a few days later).

It was an awful thing to happen to Tatiana though.....


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