Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > Tatiana Nicholaievna

Did Tatiana see someone get shot?

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--- Quote from: Angelic Duchess on September 23, 2006, 09:52:56 AM ---
It seems to me that Olga and Tatiana have been the strongest to put up with what they did. Such as seeing someone get shot, working as nurses and seeing the horror of the war, plus beeing held captive and being treated horribly. I wouldnt know what i would do after going through all that. For me it shows how strong they both are to have faced all of that.

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Well, apart from working as nurses during wartime, which would require considerable stamina, especially mental, the other events in the Grand Duchesses lives listed here were not really a proof of their "strength" but rather circumstances beyond their control which they had to deal with, unfortunately.

Forum Admin:

--- Quote from: La_Mashka on October 17, 2006, 04:05:19 PM ---Back to the Kiev Opera House....  is it known which Opera o show they were watching that night?

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It was not a specific opera. It was a gala performance with a mixed program of music. I do not have the complete evening's program, perhaps someone else does.

I'd always believed it was Glinka's "A Life for the Tsar". Maybe it was exerpts from this opera, though... :-\

Olga Maria:
Something to add: Tatiana also saw her Father shot on July 17, 1918, of course. This shocked her the most!

Grand Duchess Jennifer:
She saw her whole family die. I think that's really sad.


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