Thank you! TN loved exactitude, loved lists, The Governess!...I actually think she was a very sensitive person, surely that is evident in her face,,, and I believe she found a type of comfort in the impersonal medical world. Olga was all about the personal, that was her approach to life . That makes being effective in the medical world nearly imposable....if you can't shut that down, who would not be upset and crying all the time in such a place ? It's hard now to look into these men's eyes. What I admire about Olga in this is she recognized the situation and removed herself from the dressing room. Those engaged to making sure a nervous GD didn't mess up...(and one can see the large group of people in the photos) were needed else where. lol! But that didn't stop her from doing what she could and in a tireless fashion . She played piano for the men , (ALOT) chess games, lawn crochets , did great deal of supply work and there are stories of her writing letters home for men who lost their right arms ... which sadly, many did. But looking at the photos in the dressing room: TN is engaged and interested , ON looks unhappy...again, anyone would be if they can't shut down the personal...and not everyone can. The medical profession is a calling .