I would really like to know Prince Charles true feelings on the Kate-William break-up.
With regards to "Dolley Trolley", there is no way I would ever I would date any royal if I did not love them enough to want to marry them, even them I would think thrice and very hard.
The price paid is too great. If I was dating one of the Windors boys, after a period of four years of monogamous togetherness, I would want a commitment on the where the future of the relationship was going. Nothing wrong with dating for five years (Eddie & Sofa did) or seven years (I did) or ten years prior to engagement and marriage. However, who would want to put up with the press harassment, the constraints on your career & every move and most of all the posters on the Ally Pally Forum if they were not going to be married to their Prince, Duke, Earl or Lord.
If Kate pushed him for an answer, I do not blame her.
Give me your run-of-the-mill garden variety billionaire anyday over a Prince, Duke, Earl or Lord.