I enjoy onamastics (thank you for supplying the term, David) etymology and history of first names as well and just the plain old discussion of why a certain royal had his/her name.
My own great-grandmother was Josephine.

When it came time to name my own children, I looked into our family trees but all the grandmothers have very 'grandmotherly' names--Florence, Shirley, Geraldine and Marion.
My husband always laughs at how I decide on the first and middle names. I like one or both to reflect our ethnic roots (Irish, Scottish, English, German), a family connection, our Catholic background (ie a Saint's name) and a historical and/or literary figure that I enjoy. It helps with narrowing it down some but I have enough names picked out for about 15 kids I wish the old days of giving the kids more than 2 names was still commonplace.