Author Topic: Pictures of Anastasia with Jemmy, Shibzik, etc.  (Read 40423 times)

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Re: Pictures of Anastasia with Jemmy, Shibzik, etc.
« Reply #15 on: October 10, 2006, 05:17:26 PM »

Even if it's Marie F.'s dog, it's really cute! Thanks Sarushka!



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Re: Pictures of Anastasia with Jemmy, Shibzik, etc.
« Reply #16 on: October 10, 2006, 07:10:16 PM »
Well, it's not Joy (somewhere it was discussed...), it's not Shibzik, definatly not Eira or Ortino... the photo looks 1914-ish, so... that leaves us with Jemmy or the Tsar's dog.
I'm thinking Jemmy now... but didn't he come until around 1915?


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Re: Pictures of Anastasia with Jemmy, Shibzik, etc.
« Reply #17 on: October 11, 2006, 07:30:35 PM »

so.. it must be the tsar's dog. but did he even have a dog?

i saw some pictures of him hunting with a dog, but was that his?

Offline Holly

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Re: Pictures of Anastasia with Jemmy, Shibzik, etc.
« Reply #18 on: October 12, 2006, 04:11:03 PM »

so.. it must be the tsar's dog. but did he even have a dog?

i saw some pictures of him hunting with a dog, but was that his?
The Tsar had MANY dogs! Lots and lots of them. He had a whole pack of collies and there is a cute anecdote in which one of the collies jumped on Tatiana's back and she started to cry. Then the nanny said, "He was only trying to say hello." And Tatiana said something like, "Well he could have said it to my face instead of my back!" ;D
The picture from the Standart definetly isn't Jemmy. For one thing, at the time the picture was taken, it wasn't even theirs yet! And Jemmy was a very tiny King Charles Cavalier Spaniel. The dog in question is definetly not that! I'm not sure what dog it was but just because it wasn't Shvibzik or Jemmy, it doesn't mean it didn't belong to Anastasia! She loved dogs and she could very well have had another that we don't know about.

I'm curious to know why some people think that Jemmy died in the cellar with them since Yurovsky and many others mention no dogs at all were brought down that night and Jemmy's body says that when they found him he had been little more than a week.  ???
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Re: Pictures of Anastasia with Jemmy, Shibzik, etc.
« Reply #19 on: October 12, 2006, 06:07:40 PM »
Aw, how cute! Does anyone have it in B&W?

so.. it must be the tsar's dog. but did he even have a dog?

i saw some pictures of him hunting with a dog, but was that his?

The tsar had Iman, Selika(?) (the sheltie dog in the anecdote) and several dogs.  The Tsar was a huge dog lover, and the Empress sounded more like a cat lover. But I don't know; Cat's aren't my specialty.

So chances are it's one of the Tsar's dogs or like Holly said, a dog who just hung around with the IF.

I'm sorry, I just have to get this out of my system: DOGS RULE! GO BOW-WOWS! ;D

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Re: Pictures of Anastasia with Jemmy, Shibzik, etc.
« Reply #20 on: October 12, 2006, 06:20:24 PM »

If I'm not incorrect -- this picture is actually of GD Anastasia and one of the "Standart's" ships cats.   See the black and white below.  Altho' the picture is very faded, it doesn't appear to be a dog.

Also -- this is a sad picture, but this picture is of "Jemmy" who was pulled from the mine shaft.   

Janet R.

Janet R.


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Re: Pictures of Anastasia with Jemmy, Shibzik, etc.
« Reply #21 on: October 12, 2006, 06:26:08 PM »
That's so sad!

The tail doesn't give much of a hint... spaniels and bulldogs both had curly tails. But you can't see his ears. That would have been a good indicator of who's remains they were. Could it possibly be just a dog that had fallen into the shaft and died there?

Stupid questions. They're the best ones.  ;)

I'm sorry to say, but the photo is definatly of a cat. The way the eyes are positioned and how her hand is, I'm guessing it's a cat. D'OH!

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Re: Pictures of Anastasia with Jemmy, Shibzik, etc.
« Reply #22 on: October 12, 2006, 10:06:43 PM »
They actually have a picture of Jemmy? Excuse me if I'm being stupid, it is getting very late at night, but when was this taken? It had to have been soon after the murder, because he isn't decomposed.  ???

Offline koloagirl

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Re: Pictures of Anastasia with Jemmy, Shibzik, etc.
« Reply #23 on: October 12, 2006, 10:33:21 PM »

I know that this particular story about Jemmy's condition (his body) has been discussed in great depth -- because apparently it was in very good condition after such a long time -- the thought is that it was "planted" by the Reds as I recall to throw off the time of the murders.  Meaning that Jemmy was alive at the time of the murders but then was subsequently killed later and thrown in the pit.  At least that is one theory.  But apparently Pierre Gilliard identified Jemmy's body.

I know there is a thread about this --- just trying to remember -- I'm sure AGR Bear would know!!   ;D

Janet R.
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Re: Pictures of Anastasia with Jemmy, Shibzik, etc.
« Reply #24 on: October 13, 2006, 08:23:19 AM »
i'm sorry but to me it kinda does look like him.
well the size does.

it is common for those little dogs, spaniels, to have their tail cut off
so it looks like a little nub.

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Re: Pictures of Anastasia with Jemmy, Shibzik, etc.
« Reply #25 on: October 13, 2006, 04:40:54 PM » Theres a link to a clearer B&W of Anastasia and the animal. It still looks like a puppy to me and the tail is too short to be a cat, plus the legs don't resemble a cat's either. I've read that it was a dog somewhere that's why I believe it is.  :)

Clock, Jemmy wasn't very decomposed because he at the time he had only been dead around a week. He was not killed on July 17, 1918 obviously.
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Re: Pictures of Anastasia with Jemmy, Shibzik, etc.
« Reply #26 on: October 13, 2006, 05:18:00 PM »
Hmmmm... Looks like a mystery... but for another topic.

Are there any more pictures of Anastasia and her creatures? Cats, dog, emus... ??? :D

Offline Holly

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Re: Pictures of Anastasia with Jemmy, Shibzik, etc.
« Reply #27 on: October 14, 2006, 08:15:29 AM »
Here's a picture from a series of pictures taken of OTMAA and little kittens on the Standart. I'll post another later if no one else has already done it.
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Re: Pictures of Anastasia with Jemmy, Shibzik, etc.
« Reply #28 on: October 14, 2006, 09:24:25 AM »
I've found two pictures from (I think) Tolbosk that show Anastasia with a dog on her lap. I'll try and find a clearer verson, but this is the best I can do. - Tatiana has a dog in this picture too.
And I can't find the other one! D'OH!

Here's one from the Standart; you can just barely see the dog with Anastasia on the Standart.

Does anybody have the second Tolbosk picture I'm talking about?


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Re: Pictures of Anastasia with Jemmy, Shibzik, etc.
« Reply #29 on: October 14, 2006, 11:02:30 AM »
The pictures were taken while they were under house-arrest at the Alexander Palace, not Tobolsk.  ;)
Anastasia has Jemmy and Tatiana is holding Ortino. I know the picture you're talking about but I don't have time to search for it.
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