Author Topic: Who is the rightful heir?  (Read 429131 times)

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Offline LisaDavidson

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Re: Who is the rightful heir?
« Reply #600 on: July 18, 2010, 12:23:17 AM »
Larry - you have much better taste than many mentioned here, so I imagine you would do wonderful things with the Winter Palace. And spankings or not, we have too much fun, don't we? :)

Offline Vecchiolarry

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Re: Who is the rightful heir?
« Reply #601 on: July 18, 2010, 09:01:21 AM »
Dear Lisa,

Ah, yes we do, we do have fun!!!

Tea will be served in the Malacite Room when I become Czar....



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Re: Who is the rightful heir?
« Reply #602 on: July 18, 2010, 09:25:05 AM »
Czar of what, Larry ? Remember Peter 1 abolished that title in 1725 [as I try to keep remindiing, to no  avail].
 In any case- the Malachite Room? Reserved for imperial weddings and the highest of formal state receptions.....? For TEA!  Well,  I would have to drag out [get my drift?] my malachite suite, with matchin accessories.  Been years since that has been dusted off, least of all cleaned! but, for tea at the Winter Palace [even with my own Faberge flask] it might be worth it, don't cha think?

Offline Vecchiolarry

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Re: Who is the rightful heir?
« Reply #603 on: July 18, 2010, 11:45:01 AM »

Now Robert, you know I'm only kidding - let me be a phony Czar (I do not stive to be Emperor!!), and I will bring my malachite egg (the only malachite thing I own) to match your service and we can all fantacize together about what could have been!!!

Sometimes I take a silly pill and just dream.



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Re: Who is the rightful heir?
« Reply #604 on: July 18, 2010, 12:57:01 PM »
That is OK, Larry, so was I.
 However, I do have a Malachite suite that has not been dusted off in years,  It is just too heavy!
 However, this line of humour suits the thread- just as silly.


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Re: Who is the rightful heir?
« Reply #605 on: July 23, 2010, 01:33:46 PM »
I couldn't imagine why anyone including Putin would want to declare himself/herself as Emperor or Empress.  The restoration of the Alexander Palace is like the restoration of Disney Land.  It is to bring in tourist dollars not to set up a new monarchy.

I know the line of succession and why it is the way it is.  I don't agree with it, but I don't matter.

I see Marie Vladimirovna as a cartoon figure and her son is one as well.

It has been close to 100 years folks.  Even any Romanovs who might harbor a need to be back in charge know that.

Of course the right of presumption moves from direct line to the next available and complete - by law- direct line and so there is always going to be someone who can be considered a claimant.  But the farther we get from Nicholas and his death, the less it matters.

BTW - I have a couple of Malachite pendants and one watch with a malachite face so can I come to tea?
« Last Edit: July 23, 2010, 01:35:40 PM by Alixz »


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Re: Who is the rightful heir?
« Reply #606 on: July 23, 2010, 02:01:53 PM »
There are "claimants" to many extinct thrones  still running around, all  just silly wastes of time & energy, IMO.  I hear from or about these people all the time. One of the latest claims to be descendant of the Ptolemy's of Egypt. Right, and I am, well, whatever I want to be.
 I agree Alixz, the Romanov  "cause" or whatever it may be called, is futile and they must be aware that no one cares! At least  the  Russians  I know do not.
 BTW, Alixz, my teas are more like "Ladies Who Lunch" [Sondheim] And my malachite is in need of cleaning. I used to loan it out for weddings and stage, but it is so covered in makeup now, I would have to send it out. Unless...thedishwasher ???


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Re: Who is the rightful heir?
« Reply #607 on: July 23, 2010, 02:54:15 PM »
Robert - Please not the dishwasher!

I think I knew that your teas would be like that, but I would want to come anyway.  Especially if Larry can pull off changing 300 years of tradition and actually have tea in the Malachite room.  It would seem the Alexandra couldn't change a thing.

And back to the Rightful Heir.

Offline TimM

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Re: Who is the rightful heir?
« Reply #608 on: July 23, 2010, 06:48:45 PM »
Well, if could possibly happen.  Look at Spain, they got rid of their monarchy in the early 1930's, but got it back after Franco died in 1975.

Of course, should Russia bring the monarchy back, it won't be the old Empire, that's dead and gone.  Rather I think it would be like the British Monarchy.  The Tsar would be a figurehead, with no political power.

So never say never. 
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Re: Who is the rightful heir?
« Reply #609 on: July 23, 2010, 07:20:32 PM »
But Franco made that choice and let the royal family know that the monarchy would be restored with Juan Carlos.

That was about a 45 year absence for the family but they knew well in advance of Franco's death that they would be coming back.

I guess that one can never say never, and the Imperial Family is quite popular again, but is Marie Vladimirovna and her son any where near as popular as the late Tsar is now? 

And is the late tsar only popular because he is dead?  Guilt, even after almost 100 years, is a powerful motivator. 

No one has any reason to feel guilty about Marie or her son George.

Offline TimM

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Re: Who is the rightful heir?
« Reply #610 on: July 23, 2010, 09:10:12 PM »
and the Imperial Family is quite popular again

One has to wonder what Nicky and his family would say if they knew about this, heck, perhaps they do know.  It would be interesting to hear their thoughts on the matter.  What would they think of this board, for example.

Off topic, I know :)
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Offline Vecchiolarry

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Re: Who is the rightful heir?
« Reply #611 on: July 23, 2010, 09:48:50 PM »

Yes Alixz, by all means you can come to tea;  and bring your malachite, I'd love to see it!!
I didn't know that you couldn't have tea in the Malachite Room (that shows you how much I know!)...
So, I suppose they wouldn't allow me to put a bed on the Jordan Staircase either and just live there...

I can see that I would probably be deposed after 2 weeks - - oh well!!!!   ;D



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Re: Who is the rightful heir?
« Reply #612 on: July 24, 2010, 09:18:16 AM »
Larry - I also think that the Jordan Staircase is one of the most beautiful places in any of the palaces.  It is instantly recognizable.  

I want to walk up it and pretend that I am attending the last Winter Ball of Alexander III and his wife Marie Feodorovna in 1984.

Well before Alexandra came to be in charge and spoiled all the fun.

But back to topic.  Sigh...

And further off topic, the malachite watch face is taken from the design of a clock face on display in the Hermitage (of course in much smaller dimensions)
« Last Edit: July 24, 2010, 09:20:28 AM by Alixz »

Offline Vecchiolarry

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Re: Who is the rightful heir?
« Reply #613 on: July 24, 2010, 10:27:59 AM »
Hi Alixz,

Your watch sounds wonderful;  to be treasured I'm sure....

Now back on topic - suffice it to say that the rightful heir is not me - darn!!!



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Re: Who is the rightful heir?
« Reply #614 on: October 23, 2010, 03:57:37 PM »
Every time I see these assemblage of names, I walk into my study and gaze on a remarkable  "document" that hangs suitably framed and away from direct sunlight.  The story is this:  When the body of the Empress Marie Feodorovna was brought back for burial in the vaults of the Imperial Church of Sts Peter and Paul, a learned gentleman (who speaks/reads and lives in Russia for a portion of each year-----indeed was instrumental in translating the Emperess Marie's diaries Danish/Russian) with whom I have had serveral contacts by telephone and mail was invited and was in attendance at the burial ceremonies in Saint Petersburg, 2006 (and NO, while he said that he heard the noise and subsequent commotion of the "Danish" diplomat, slipping and falling into the prepared waiting/open grave of Maria Feorodorvna, he did not actually wittness it due to the crowd in the church, but there exist good  photos of this mishap).  After the service, there was a luncheon held at a nearby church hall, where most of the prominent guests attended, including my acquaintance.  A several page memorial booklet containing a "Hymn" created in 1890, by a Milli Balak ( but not published at that time) had now been finally published and was presented to the VIP guests at the afternoon luncheon, following the ceremonies. Dedicated to the late Enpress and bearing her likeness on the from cover and was printed in both Russian and Danish with the date 2006. ( A separate menu of the luncheon was also placed at each dining position.) My acquaintance gathered at least two of the "Hymn" booklets and proceeded to politely and ethically move among the more prominent guests with highly pertitent Russian historical connections in this situation.  He asked if they would autograph, (as a momento of the occasion) a couple of copies each on the inside title page?  And WHAT an assemblage of names did he gather! Somewhat later he put up for sale ONE copy of the Hymn and one copy of the luncheon memu (unsigned).  Learning of his willingness to sell one copy of each, I immediately entered into a contest with several others desirious of such an historical assemblage of names.  My top competitor turned out to be a "Texas University of Russian History professor," but I was able to become the purchaser of BOTH the items.  I have absolutely NO DOUBT that these are authentic signed-on the-spot by the people so named.  The signatories on the inside front right page are as follows: ""Prince Nicholas Romanoff (simply signed "Nicholas"; Prince Dimitri Romanoff, (signed "Dimitri Romanoff"; "Princess Olga Romanova"( signed "Olga Romanova"); "George Yurievsky" (great-grandson of the Emperor Alexander II); "Princess Angelica Ilyinsky;" "Dimitri R. Ilyinsky;" and " Anna Ilyinsky;" ( daughter-in-law and grandchildren of the Grand Duke Dimitri Pavlovich); and Princess Xenia Yusupova Sifiri ( daughter of Prince Felix Yusupov and the Grand Duchess Irina Alexandrovna).  This was an unrepeated chance for me to have all these interrelated and intertwined representatives of this era assembled on one page and I happily paid the price!  The question arises:  Where was the Grand Duchess Maria V. ?  I understand that she left early, thus no representative signature of herself.  The acquisition of signatures settled on the Russian individuals, not on such other relations as the Michael Kents, who were there.   The booklet is twelve pages, in Russian and Danish, 6" x 8.5."  I apologize in advance in spelling/s as it was the first time I have had it down from the wall since framing in early 2007!  I have seen nothing like it before, or since.    AP.

Hello aleksandr pavlovich,

To correct a couple of typos regarding your signatures.  It should be Prince Dmitri Romanoff Ilyinsky, Princess Anne Romanoff Ilyinsky (Anne Glossinger) and Grand Duke Dmitri (only two, not three "i's." I'm a bit dysfunctional when it comes to proper spelling of names. By the way, who did you purchase the menu and Hymn from? Perhaps Paul or Steven?

Kindest Regards,
