Why is it that the sons of Sandro and Xenia are not considered in the succession? They were after all double Romanov! According to British succession, they would have it. Xenia was the oldest daughter, and would have been in line after the loss of all her brothers and their children. Therefore, Xenia's oldest son, with Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich for a father, looks like a good successor to me! Does he have any living issue?
The descendants of Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich and Grand Duchess Kseniya Alexandrovna
Irina Alexandrovna, Princess Romanova 1895-1970
-Irina Felixovna, Princess Yusupova 1915-
-Countess Kseniya Nikolaevna Sheremetieva 1942-
Andrei Alexandrovich, Prince Romanov 1897-1981
-Kseniya Andreevna, Princess Romanova 1919-
-Mihail Andreevich, Prince Romanov 1920-
-Andrei Andreevich, Prince Romanov 1923-
-Olga Andreevna, Princess Romanova 1950-
-Nicolas Matthew 1976-
-Francis-Alexander Matthew 1978-
-Alexandra Matthew 1981-
-Thomas Matthew 1987-1989
-Alexei Andreevich, Prince Romanov 1953-
-Peter Andreevich, Prince Romanov 1961-
-Andrei Andreevich, Prince Romanov 1963-
-Natasha Kathleen, Princess Romanova, 1993-
Fyodor Alexandrovich, Prince Romanov 1898-1968
-Irina Fyodorovna, Princess Romanova 1923-
-Mihail Fyodorovich, Prince Romanov 1924-
-Mikhail Paul Mikhailovich, Prince Romanov 1959-2001
-Tatiana Mikhailovna Romanova 1986-
Nikita Alexandrovich, Prince Romanov 1900- 1974
-Nikita Nikitich, Prince Romanov 1923
-Theodore Nikitich, Prince Romanov 1974-
-Alexander Nikitich Prince Romanov 1929-
Dmitri Alexandrovich, Prince Romanov 1901-1980
-Nadezhda Dmitrievna, Princess Romanova 1933-
-Penelope Allen 1953-
-Marina Allen 1955 -
-Alexandra Allen 1958-
Rostislav Alexandrovich, Prince Romanov 1902-1978
-Rostislav Rostislavovich, Prince Romanov 1938-1999
-Stephena Alexandra Rostislavovna, Princess Romanova 1963-
-Alexandra Rostislavovna, Princess Romanova 1983
-Rostislav Rostislavovich, Prince Romanov 1985
-Nikita Rostislavovich, Prince Romanov 1987-
-Nikolai Rostislavovich, Prince Romanov 1945-
-Nicholas Christopher, Prince Romanov 1968-
-Cory Christopher, Prince Romanov 1993-
-Daniel-Joseph, Prince Romanov 1972-
-Heather Noel, Princess Romanova 1976-
Vasili Alexandrovich, Prince Romanov 1907-1989
-Marina Vasilievna, Princess Romanova 1940-
-Tatiana Beadleston 1968
-Alexandra Beadleston 1970
-Nicholas Beadleston 1971
-Nathalie Beadleston 1976