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i know! i always wonderedits obviously non of OTMAmaybe.. OA?
Quote from: grandduchess_42 on June 04, 2007, 12:42:57 PMi know! i always wonderedits obviously non of OTMAmaybe.. OA?from what I can see it looks like OTM I don't see Anastasiahttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v230/raybe77/what.jpg <I pointed them outI'm not sure if that is Maria is Nastya....It looks like Maria though
ifrom what I can see it looks like OTM I don't see Anastasiahttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v230/raybe77/what.jpg <I pointed them outI'm not sure if that is Maria is Nastya....It looks like Maria though
Quote from: AnastasiaNRfan on June 05, 2007, 09:20:59 AMifrom what I can see it looks like OTM I don't see Anastasiahttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v230/raybe77/what.jpg <I pointed them outI'm not sure if that is Maria is Nastya....It looks like Maria thoughI think you're exactly right -- Tatiana, Olga, Maria.Now, look very carefully and you can find Anastasia, too. She's right in front of Maria, but you can't see her face. You've circled a tiny bit of her hat and hair in your pink ring around Maria. The woman running away on the left could possibly be Olga Aleksandrovna...
These are all new to me!!This one is new to me!Rasputin and childrenOlga holding her new childAlix, Minnie... and?Alix... and her brotherAlix.. and who?MF
Labeled as Aleksey in 1905.
Olga holding her new child
Quote from: grandduchess_42 on June 05, 2007, 05:30:24 PMOlga holding her new childI'd seen the others, but this is a beauty.
Sarushka! you were right it is Olga A.! I found I photo that looks like it was taken the same day (same clothes) Here http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v230/raybe77/kljglfjd.jpg Olga A. and the mystery Lady are wareing the same thing (hat too) so I think that it has to be her..