You're still assuming that just because Mrs. Gertrude said it on page 222 that it's a 'fact.' In all these he said she said things, it's possible Mrs. Gertrude lied,,,,
Bear's Answer:
Not only did Mrs. Gertrude say it on page 222, maybe over on page 224 there is proof she said it in court under oath. Of course, it still could be a lie. But are you the only person who can make that judgement for all of us?
..., and it's also possible that her words were twisted or even fabricated by someone else along the line.
Bear's Answer:
Again, Mrs. Gertrude words may have been twisted by the author so then it IS important to know who the author is and his position on the subject of Mrs. Gertrude.
On the other hand, DNA tests are not twisted (and no intestines get switched) so they hold much more weight than what Miss Woopee said about a pair of shoes.
Bear's Answer:
The above statements about twisting facts can also be true of those providing the DNA tests, so, knowing if the tester was the high school drop out named Black or a welll known scientists like Dr. Gilliusmann would help the rest of us to deside which tests are probably more accurate than the other.
Then of course with shoes, it's even more subjective, and human error (in addition to possibe lying) comes into play. People may be unsure after so many years, or they may even be the wrong shoes and the originals long gone
Bear's Answer:
If Jane Doe's motherr told the court that her daughter wore size 2 shoe, and, the court was provided with evidence that AA, who was seated in court, wore size 5 shoe, I think it would help show that Jane Doe wasn't AA.
Each piece of evidence builds a case.
There are times when DNA/mtDNA tells us that Jane Doe and AA have a match, however, this does not mean Jan Doe and AA are the same person. An expert like Mr. Sky can testified and explains that it is just coincidence that Jane Doe's and AA's DNA/mtDNA match. And then the expert would give the number of others, about 200,who were walking around in the world who are probably carrying the same DNA/mtDNA ....
. So what it comes down to is all the little tidbits AA touters like to hold to as 'everything else I can't ignore' really don't mean anything compared to the DNA.
Bear's Answer:
Why do you think anyone has to ignore the DNA/mtDNA between AA and Jane Doe. Just because there is a match of DNA and mtDNA doesn't mean the tests were wrong.
As for "all the little tidbits AA touters", I assume you are, now, referring to the people who believe Anna Anderson was GD Anastasia.
So tell me Annie: Is there any reason not to answer "AA touters' " questions with facts with sources attached? I know I can and I know you can. All of us who don't believe AA was GD Anastasia can even do so without calling the believers stupid or crazy or telling them they must be seeing little green men.
Sure, sometimes it seems like we've said it all before over on XX thread or XXX thread but that's the way it is.