Poor old Anne Boley's ghost is seen just about everywhere (I'm surprsed she doesn't haunt the local Tesco's
I know that it is claim that the Queen's ghost is seen at the Tower -headless and bathed in an eerie light, as a good ghost should do

- but also sometimes on the Tower Green, or in the Chapel Royal inside the White Tower.
Also, the ghost of Catherine of Aragon can been seen inhabiting the Queen's Chamber of Kimbolton Castle in Cambridgeshire, where she spent the last years of her life. More about queens... Jane Seymour's ghost haunts the place where she died, giving birth to Edward VI. She has been seen in the Clock Court and the Silver Stick gallery, dressed in a white robe and carrying a candle. A psychic manifestation in the form of hysterical screams is often hear in the gallery at Hampton Court. The screams are alleged to be those of Katheryn Howard, as she made her way down the gallery frantically trying to reach Henry VIII to beg for mercy. There has been some doubt thrown on this haunting.
There also claims about a the ghost of a tall woman in green, apparently the one of of Katherine Parr, who died in Sudeley Castle after giving birth to a daughter, Mary Seymour, on September 5, 1548. Those who have ssen the apparition get the impression she is looking for something or someone (possibly her daughter, whose fate is a mystery). Katherine was laid to rest in the chapel at Sudeley Castle, where her beautifully restored monument can be seen today.
Even Henry VIII goes on on eerie walks... His ghost is said to walk the halls of Windsor Castle, followed by the sounds of him dragging his ulcerated leg behind him, accompanied by agonized groans.
The ghost of Lady Jane Grey's father is believed to haunt Astley Castle in Warwickshire, one of the Grey family's places of residence. Jane's ghost has puportedly been seen here also, but it seems that her ghost likes to be everywhere, methinks. On Christmas Eve, a spectral coach drawn by four headless horses is supposed to be seen sweeping up to the ruins of Bradgate Park in Leicestershire (her birthplace). Inside Jane is seated, her head set carefully on her lap. Once the coach arrives at the manor, Jane is seen to alight, carrying her head and then she disappears inside the ruins. She is also seen on the anniversary date of her execution (Febuary 12, 1554) near the Bloody Tower in the Tower of London.
And, of course, what about poor Henry VI? Henry's ghost has been seen in Wakefield Tower, in the Tower of London, always appearing within an hour of midnight. Henry was found dead, most certainly murdered there on May 21, 1471, on the night Edward IV returned in triumph to London.
And, of course, the sad ghosts of the young Edward V and his younger brother Richard, Duke of York, have been seen walking hand-in-hand in the Tower. I wonder if they had ever met Sir Walter Raleigh, chained and headless in the Queen's House, near where he was imprisoned, or sometimes on the Tower ramparts... Well, Sir Walter must be quite busy to meet the young princess, as he has been seen in a couple of different places, in addition to the tower. It is supposedly his spirit which sits on the masonry of Sherborne Castle in Dorset.