Once again the History Channel made me yell at the TV! (my husband probably thinks I'm an idiot!) Last night I was channel surfing and on History International I found a program called "World Justice" and it was about the Revolutionaries overthrowing the Czar. So many things were so inaccurate I was disgusted!
This has got to be one of the most well know pics of OTMA

They identified it as
Maria, Olga, Anastasia & Tatiana!
They said Anastasia was the youngest daughter which is correct, but then the kept showing her pic and calling her Marie!!!!
They said the Czar's son was named Alexander!! Don't these shows have fact checkers? There is a big difference between Alexander & Alexei! If there wasn't why did Alexander II name 2 of his sons Alexander & Alexei!?
They described Rasputin as some evil genius who wormed his way into the palace and absolutely swayed every opinion of Alexandra. Never once did they mention Alexei's hemophilia!!! not once!!
The only thing I did like about the program was all of the motion films they showed of the family. One that actually made me laugh was of the girls and some young men (I think I recognized Dimitri Pavlovich) in a field holding races. One of the girls and a young man were running and it looked like they were purposely running into each other to knock each other down. The Grand Duchess lost!
It just ticks me off that this channel is called The History Channel and their facts are so off base!!!