Attention "bonbon823" and Reply # 9: IMO, I think that this matter has been conclusively settled from the lack of supporting research/facts turned up by very competent people, including yourself. End of story. I've no idea why this individual wished to invent or perpetuate this delusion/illusion------perhaps to only give herself a sense of importance to compensate for an otherwise dull existence. We've seen examples here on this very board of "assumed royalty" and if you listen very carefully (as "they" all wish to talk), they reveal very important clues, statements, quotes, etc. about their "everyday" life, family, and personal struggles that point so vividly to why they pretend to be another. For the most part, these people are NOT delusional; rather they flee from time to time to envelope themselves (even momentarily) in a fantasy world as an escape mechanism to fend off the vicissitudes of reality. Once a lie is begun, it's very hard to withdraw without "coming totally clean." Thus the offender becomes either (1.) more defensive, with presenting a whirlwind of "fluff facts" gathered from elsewhere (usually they are voracious readers of the said subject) , or (2.) retreats into "regal" silence, thereby adding more "mystery." Strangely enough, #2. can be quite effective to some "followers" of the person/s in question! "He/she acted like a "true prince/princess and never stooped to enter an argument over his/her origins."
Two questions: Does this woman in question have any descendants who can offer anything in "proof"? And importantly, WHY, "bonbon823", are you specifically, placed in the position of needing to tell "the city of Redmond" anything? (Are you a relative, reporter, etc.?) Regards, AP.