My dear Friend,
You wrote me a most kind letter on the occasion of the attempt on my life, for which I meant to thank you long ago and which I now do, hoping you will forgive the long delay in my answer. We are on the point of starting for Scotland, my constant companion my dear daughter Beatrice and her little child accompany me... We are now engaged in a war which I hope will be of short duration - my dear son Arthur is with the Army. We were pleased to make the acquaintance of King Kalakaua and I would ask you to remember me to him. With renewed expressions of friendship and esteem, Your majesty's affectionate friend, Victoria R.I."
What "Little Child" did Beatrice have in 1882? 3 years before she married?
There are many references to a baby in 1882 in Queen Victoria's journals although of course she was not Princess Beatrice's. They refer to Princess Margaret of Connaught who was born in January of that year and with her parents was often with Queen Victoria very frequently. When Prince Arthur went to Egypt at the end of July on active service (as mentioned in the Queen's letter), his wife 'Louisechen' and baby Margaret stayed with the Queen. The Queen travelled to Balmoral on Thursday 31st August 1882 "with Beatrice & Louischen, Helen driving down with us to Trinity Pier. Ly Southampton, Horatia S., Harriet P., Sir H. Ponsonby, Capt: Edward, Ld E. Clinton, Frl: Bauer & Mr Sahl, compose the suite. The little baby, who had gone down before, was up on deck, & so well behaved." It is possible that there is some inaccuracy in the transcript, or, since part of the letter has not been reproduced immediately after the statement of "Beatrice and her little child", another possibility is it could have read "Beatrice and her little child niece" or something of the sort.