What I meant was just what I said, and I really didn't think it was that difficult to figure out. Some have suggested that he approved pogroms, and I am curious to know where this information is coming from because what has recently come to light is that this simply wasn't the case. In fact, from what I remember reading, Nicholas ordered a stop to them. I never suggested that he was their buddy, Simon. What I was trying to add to the discussion was that much of what has previously been stated simply isn't true.
Nicholas II did actually approve of the pogroms that broke out immediately following the October Manifesto of 1905. I've read this in numerous different books, BTW, but I'll quote first from Steinberg and Khrustalev's
The Fall of the Romanovs because it seems to be the most widely accepted and trusted book about the last days of the IF in this forum:
page 22
In late October 1905 he [Nicholas] wrote to his mother that "in the first days after the manifesto bad elements strongly raised their heads, but then came a strong reaction and the whole mass of loyal people rose up.... The people were angered by the brazenness and insolence of the revolutionaries and the socialists, and since nine-tenths of them are yids, their whole fury turned against them - hence the Jewish pogroms."
According to Orlando Figes (
A People's Tragedy, p. 197) there were "690 documented pogroms - with over 3,000 reported murders - during the two weeks following the declaration of the October Manifesto. The Rightest groups played a leading role in these pogroms, either by inciting the crowds against the Jews or by planning them from the start. The worst pogrom took place in Odessa, where 800 Jews were murdered, 5,000 wounded and more than 100,000 made homeless. An official investigation ordered by Witte revealed that the police had not only organized, armed, and supplied the crowd with vodka, but had helped to root out the Jews from their hiding places and taken part in the killings."
Figes then quotes Nicholas II's letter of 27 October 1905 to his mother in full.