Author Topic: Maria Pawlowna, Großherzogin von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach  (Read 22768 times)

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Maria Pawlowna, Großherzogin von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach
« on: February 14, 2006, 08:48:59 AM »
1790's by LEVITSKY:  1799 by QUADAL:  
1800-1804 by BOROVIKOVSKI:
1817:  1820's by DAWE:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Lisa »

Offline Marie Valerie

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Re: Maria Pawlowna, Großherzogin von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2007, 02:30:34 PM »
Maria Pawlowna (* 4. February 1786 in Sankt Petersburg; † 23. June 1859 in Weimar)

Maria was a daughter of Tsar Paul I. and Tsarina Maria Fedorowna (Sophia Dorothea Augusta Luisa von Württemberg)

She was very beloved in Weimar and called "Angel of the poor and weak"

Maria was married to Grand Duke Carl Friedrich and mother of Kaiserin Augusta

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Re: Maria Pawlowna, Großherzogin von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2007, 05:43:17 PM »
This portrait, and others (including the following) can be found on the 'more portraits' section.

Here's an older MP, courtesy of Marc:

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Re: Maria Pawlowna, Großherzogin von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2007, 05:45:26 PM »
Seeing as how she was Fritz's grandmother and lived (barely) to see the birth of Kaiser Wilhelm II, I wonder what he relationship with her Prussian relations was like. Augusta's sister-in-law, Charlotte of Prussia, became Empress Alexandra, consort of Nicholas I. I wonder if that relationship, if any, was impacted by her daughter Augusta's unhappy marriage to Charlotte's brother Wilhelm.
They also serve who only stand and wait--John Milton
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Re: Maria Pawlowna, Großherzogin von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2007, 05:49:25 PM »
They also serve who only stand and wait--John Milton
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Offline grandduchessella

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Re: Maria Pawlowna, Großherzogin von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2007, 05:53:19 PM »
Here's some of what wikipedia has to say:

She was born in 1786 in Saint Petersburg and raised in Pavlovsk.

As a child, she was not considered pretty: her features were disfigured as a result of a pioneering application of the smallpox vaccine. Her grandmother, Catherine II, admired her precocious talent as a pianist but declared that she'd better be born a boy. Her music instructor was Giuseppe Sarti, a composer.

In 1804, she married Carl Friedrich Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar Eisenach, with whom they stayed in Saint Petersburg for nine months, before departing for Weimar. There she was greeted with a bout of festivities, as described by Christoph Martin Wieland: "The most festive part of all the magnificence of balls, fireworks, promenades, comedies, illuminations was the widespread and genuine joy at the arrival of our new princess". Schiller praised her "talents in music and painting and genuine love of reading", while Goethe hailed her as one of the worthiest women of his time.

After the death of the Grand Duke Carl Friedrich in 1853 she retired from public life.

Her last trip to Russia was to the coronation of her nephew as Alexander II of Russia in 1855.

Maria Pavlovna was interested in arts as well as in sciences. She was a patroness of art, science and social welfare in the poor Grand-Dukedom of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach. She maintained a lifelong correspondence with Vasily Zhukovsky and it was to her that Schiller dedicated one of his last poems. She attended ten courses at the University of Jena, some delivered by Alexander von Humboldt, and was instrumental in establishing the Falk Institute in Weimar. In her later years, Maria Pavlovna invited Franz Liszt to her court, restoring a measure of artistic excellence previously associated with Weimar. However, her growing deafness prevented her from enjoying the premiere of Lohengrin in Weimar on 28 August 1850.

Most famous were the "Literary Evenings (Literarische Abende)" where scholars from the neighboring Jena University and others from outside the Grand-Dukedom were invited to give lectures on various topics. This circle was a focus in post-classical Weimar.

Several collections of the Jena University benefitted by her patronage, among them the Grandducal Oriental Coin Cabinet founded in 1840 by Johann Gustav Stickel, orientalist at the University.

Maria Pavlovna is buried in Weimar, in a Russian-style chapel by the side of the Goethe-Schiller Mausoleum.

Her son, Karl Alexander, married in 1842, his first cousin, Princess Sophie of the Netherlands, daughter of William II and Anna Pavlovna of Russia, sister of his mother. Her daughter, Marie, married Prince Karl of Prussia, brother of Wilhelm. She also had a first-born son, Paul, who only lived a few months.

This is Marie's husband, Karl Friedrich:

They also serve who only stand and wait--John Milton
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Offline Svetabel

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Re: Maria Pawlowna, Großherzogin von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2007, 04:06:48 AM »
Maria Pavlovna was really a character, a strong-minded woman,in some aspects a worthy sister of the Emperor Nikolai I. She was highly respected by all European Royals (esp. in Germany). Her niece, Grand Duchess Olga Nikolayevna (future Queen of Wuerttemberg) writes about Maria Pavlovna in her memoirs with respect and wonder as MP,a woman of strong intellect,a patroness of arts and poets, highly-educated person was married to a very simple-minded and obtuse man Grand Duke Karl Friedrich. But MP never complained to her destiny, she was enough happy to be a Grand Duchess, a patroness of arts, a person of good works, to live morally and be respected by all. Though Olga Nikolayevna notes that the virtue of her Aunt was somewhat oppressing for others, esp. for young relatives.
Pity that Russian biographers of MP say almost nothing  on her relations with the Prussian court and her 2 daughters, Augusta and Maria. :-\

Offline Marie Valerie

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Re: Maria Pawlowna, Großherzogin von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2007, 10:06:38 AM »
Maria Pawlowna supported many cultural projects in Weimar, like the great Anna Amalia before her.
The Weimarer Court was called "The Court of Muses" and invited many artists like Franz Liszts and Schiller.
Though her help the Novels of Puschkin were translated into german.

Maria also gave her own money for charities and foundations, Sachsen-Weimar was a very poor duchy..
She helped to start the first weimarer Bank (Sparkasse) and took the patronage of orphan children, Women and poor people.

Maria = Russias gift to Weimar  :D


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Re: Maria Pawlowna, Großherzogin von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2007, 04:08:44 PM »
very simple-minded and obtuse man Grand Duke Karl Friedrich

He had a very telling nickname: "Kickeriki" or short "Kiki"


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Re: Maria Pawlowna, Großherzogin von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2008, 05:44:21 AM »
Maria Pavlovna was really a character, a strong-minded woman,in some aspects a worthy sister of the Emperor Nikolai I. She was highly respected by all European Royals (esp. in Germany). Her niece, Grand Duchess Olga Nikolayevna (future Queen of Wuerttemberg) writes about Maria Pavlovna in her memoirs with respect and wonder as MP,a woman of strong intellect,a patroness of arts and poets, highly-educated person was married to a very simple-minded and obtuse man Grand Duke Karl Friedrich. But MP never complained to her destiny, she was enough happy to be a Grand Duchess, a patroness of arts, a person of good works, to live morally and be respected by all. Though Olga Nikolayevna notes that the virtue of her Aunt was somewhat oppressing for others, esp. for young relatives.
Pity that Russian biographers of MP say almost nothing  on her relations with the Prussian court and her 2 daughters, Augusta and Maria. :-\

Svetabel,  GDSS Olga Nikolayevna's memoirs that you speak of, I assume it has been published in Russian only?

Also has there mbeen many books published on MP in Russia?

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Re: Maria Pawlowna, Großherzogin von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2008, 12:29:13 PM »
Maria Pavlovna was really a character, a strong-minded woman,in some aspects a worthy sister of the Emperor Nikolai I. She was highly respected by all European Royals (esp. in Germany). Her niece, Grand Duchess Olga Nikolayevna (future Queen of Wuerttemberg) writes about Maria Pavlovna in her memoirs with respect and wonder as MP,a woman of strong intellect,a patroness of arts and poets, highly-educated person was married to a very simple-minded and obtuse man Grand Duke Karl Friedrich. But MP never complained to her destiny, she was enough happy to be a Grand Duchess, a patroness of arts, a person of good works, to live morally and be respected by all. Though Olga Nikolayevna notes that the virtue of her Aunt was somewhat oppressing for others, esp. for young relatives.
Pity that Russian biographers of MP say almost nothing  on her relations with the Prussian court and her 2 daughters, Augusta and Maria. :-\

Svetabel,  GDSS Olga Nikolayevna's memoirs that you speak of, I assume it has been published in Russian only?

Also has there mbeen many books published on MP in Russia?

Olga Nikolayevna wrote her memoirs in French and till 1955 it had been preserved in the Stuttgart Arhcives. In 1955 the German edition of the memoirs was issued, but it had many errors. (Traum der Jugend goldner Stern. Aus den Aufzeichnungen der Königin Olga von Würtemberg.  Günther Nesk’e, Pfullingen, 1955.) So as I know now only the correct Russian translation is available.

Not so many books  on Maria Pavlovna in Russian, there are large articles and chapters in some editions on the Romanovs.


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Re: Maria Pawlowna, Großherzogin von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach
« Reply #11 on: May 01, 2008, 02:33:43 PM »
Tankk you Sveabel,

I have a book by Robert Uhland, which is about Eveline Massenbach's diary, she was a lady-in-waiting to Queen Olga.

I was recently in England where at a friend's I saw the "Zarentochter am Weinmarer Hof", which I have just purcahsed online, along with 2 other books (in German of course) on Maria Pawlowna.

I must admit MP has interested me for a while, but I have just not got round to reading about her.

Thank you again


Offline Janet Ashton

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Re: Maria Pawlowna, Großherzogin von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach
« Reply #12 on: May 02, 2008, 02:52:52 PM »
Tankk you Sveabel,

I have a book by Robert Uhland, which is about Eveline Massenbach's diary, she was a lady-in-waiting to Queen Olga.

I was recently in England where at a friend's I saw the "Zarentochter am Weinmarer Hof", which I have just purcahsed online, along with 2 other books (in German of course) on Maria Pawlowna.

I must admit MP has interested me for a while, but I have just not got round to reading about her.

Thank you again


Hi Kevin - If you want a copy of Traum der Jugend,there is currently one on bids yet...Actually, as you probably know, the best information in English from this book is in the translations Charlotte Zeepvat has done for a couple of her books. I used Traum der Jugend too in researching about Olga's brother Konstantin - she was thoughtful and insightfl and gave a picture that departs from the usual one of him. I suppose a sister would!
Thanks for the heads-up on Massenbach, which I'd never heard of before.
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you -
Ye are many; they are few.


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Re: Maria Pawlowna, Großherzogin von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach
« Reply #13 on: May 02, 2008, 03:42:30 PM »
Already purchased one off through Abebooks, but thanks for letting me know Janet.

I assume you have the book by Paul Sauer on Vera Constantinova?  "Wenn Liebe meinem Herzen fehlt, fehlt mir die ganze Welt - Herzogin Wera von Wurttemberg, Grossfurstin von Rusland"

Offline Janet Ashton

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Re: Maria Pawlowna, Großherzogin von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach
« Reply #14 on: May 03, 2008, 02:22:17 PM »

I assume you have the book by Paul Sauer on Vera Constantinova?  "Wenn Liebe meinem Herzen fehlt, fehlt mir die ganze Welt - Herzogin Wera von Wurttemberg, Grossfurstin von Rusland"

That's a new one on me - thanks! I'll look out for it....I am still always alert to information on her father.
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you -
Ye are many; they are few.